How to banish slugs from the garden
Slugs are a gardener's nightmare. They can cause significant damage to your vegetable garden or orchard. Especially with the arrival of rains, slugs massively attack plants. How to drive slugs out of the garden , the site editorial staff will tell you in this article.
How to get rid of slugs from the garden We have collected some of the most effective ways to combat these nasty pests. We recommend not to use chemistry right away - it is better to start with simple methods of struggle. Despite their simplicity, they give good results.
Mechanical methods First, it is worth inspecting the site and collecting the slugs by hand. Collection in the morning is especially effective. Darkened corners, metal and wood surfaces should be carefully examined. Also, snails like to gather in the shade of plants: near strawberries, under cabbage or bushes.
Second, try homemade traps. In this way, it will be possible to collect several individuals in one place at once. Slugs love the smell of beer - it can be used as bait. To do this, you need to cut the bottle and bury it in the ground. Pour some beer at the bottom and wait until the slugs crawl inside.
Bait with corn also works well. You need to pour some cereal or flour into a jar and bury it in the ground. In addition, slugs are very fond of citrus and melons. Their crusts are great bait for a trap. In the crust removed from the half of the fruit, you need to cut a hole and lay it on the ground with a cut. Then, after a while, you can pick it up and collect the slugs.
Another good way is to equip a protective barrier. For its manufacture, rough or sharp materials are suitable, on which it is inconvenient for mollusks to crawl. Alternatively, you can use a strip of nutshells, wood ash, or hydrated lime. Also, gardeners note that copper often helps against mucus. When it comes into contact with the belly of the pest, a chemical reaction occurs that breaks down the mucus.
Folk methods How to drive slugs out of the garden? There are various folk ways. We recommend trying to powder the plantings with a special mixture. Slaked lime or superphosphate gives a good result. You need 30 g of the mixture per square meter.
You can also use hot peppers. It needs to be dried and then ground into powder. For cooking, you need 500 grams of pepper per 10 liters of water. Mix and leave for two days. Then the mixture must be boiled and left for another two days. To combat slugs, you need to spray the plantings, but only so as not to harm the crops.
Potassium salt is excellent in the fight against pests. It is poisonous for slugs. A kilogram of powder must be dissolved in 10 liters of water and treated with the resulting solution. It is better to do this two or three times a day, due to the fact that the slugs wash off the poison by sliding off the leaves.
From folk methods, you can still try mustard tincture. Dissolve two tablespoons of mustard powder in a glass of water and leave for an hour. Then pour half a bucket of water and stir. The solution can be used to treat both plants and soil.
Chemicals If simple methods do not work, and the number of slugs is growing, you can try chemistry. Shellfish are sensitive to metaldehyde, on the basis of which there are good preparations. It can be scattered over the area or near crops. However, this drug must be used carefully so that it is not eaten by pets.
Pest control is not easy. They multiply quickly and adapt well to new conditions. Therefore, you need to use the right prevention. It should be aimed at preventing slugs from moving freely around the site. To do this, you need to reduce humidity and reduce the number of shellfish shelters.
We advise you to dig up the soil both in the spring and in the fall. This will help deprive the slugs of their hiding place. You also need to mow the grass often - they hide in it from the heat. Be sure to remove trash heaps, old boards, and foliage. These methods must be desired in combination in order to get the best result. We wish you good luck and a generous harvest!

How to get rid of slugs from the garden We have collected some of the most effective ways to combat these nasty pests. We recommend not to use chemistry right away - it is better to start with simple methods of struggle. Despite their simplicity, they give good results.

Mechanical methods First, it is worth inspecting the site and collecting the slugs by hand. Collection in the morning is especially effective. Darkened corners, metal and wood surfaces should be carefully examined. Also, snails like to gather in the shade of plants: near strawberries, under cabbage or bushes.
Second, try homemade traps. In this way, it will be possible to collect several individuals in one place at once. Slugs love the smell of beer - it can be used as bait. To do this, you need to cut the bottle and bury it in the ground. Pour some beer at the bottom and wait until the slugs crawl inside.

Bait with corn also works well. You need to pour some cereal or flour into a jar and bury it in the ground. In addition, slugs are very fond of citrus and melons. Their crusts are great bait for a trap. In the crust removed from the half of the fruit, you need to cut a hole and lay it on the ground with a cut. Then, after a while, you can pick it up and collect the slugs.

Another good way is to equip a protective barrier. For its manufacture, rough or sharp materials are suitable, on which it is inconvenient for mollusks to crawl. Alternatively, you can use a strip of nutshells, wood ash, or hydrated lime. Also, gardeners note that copper often helps against mucus. When it comes into contact with the belly of the pest, a chemical reaction occurs that breaks down the mucus.
Folk methods How to drive slugs out of the garden? There are various folk ways. We recommend trying to powder the plantings with a special mixture. Slaked lime or superphosphate gives a good result. You need 30 g of the mixture per square meter.
You can also use hot peppers. It needs to be dried and then ground into powder. For cooking, you need 500 grams of pepper per 10 liters of water. Mix and leave for two days. Then the mixture must be boiled and left for another two days. To combat slugs, you need to spray the plantings, but only so as not to harm the crops.

Potassium salt is excellent in the fight against pests. It is poisonous for slugs. A kilogram of powder must be dissolved in 10 liters of water and treated with the resulting solution. It is better to do this two or three times a day, due to the fact that the slugs wash off the poison by sliding off the leaves.
From folk methods, you can still try mustard tincture. Dissolve two tablespoons of mustard powder in a glass of water and leave for an hour. Then pour half a bucket of water and stir. The solution can be used to treat both plants and soil.
Chemicals If simple methods do not work, and the number of slugs is growing, you can try chemistry. Shellfish are sensitive to metaldehyde, on the basis of which there are good preparations. It can be scattered over the area or near crops. However, this drug must be used carefully so that it is not eaten by pets.

Pest control is not easy. They multiply quickly and adapt well to new conditions. Therefore, you need to use the right prevention. It should be aimed at preventing slugs from moving freely around the site. To do this, you need to reduce humidity and reduce the number of shellfish shelters.

We advise you to dig up the soil both in the spring and in the fall. This will help deprive the slugs of their hiding place. You also need to mow the grass often - they hide in it from the heat. Be sure to remove trash heaps, old boards, and foliage. These methods must be desired in combination in order to get the best result. We wish you good luck and a generous harvest!
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