How to resuscitate a faded maranta and whether to keep it at home

Maranta flower is one of the most demanding houseplants. So, if you decide to get this tropical flower, you should first find out all the details regarding the care of it.

You don’t have to look far for advice! It's the editorial today. "Site" Just prepared a list of recommendations that will help you grow a lush and healthy maranta flower.

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In order for the maranta to grow healthy and for many years please the eye, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it. The first thing to do is take care of the lighting.

Marantha should not be under direct sunlight. This arrangement of the flower inevitably leads to a burn of the leaves.

The most favorable atmosphere for flowering of this plant is penumbra.

“And what if the house does not have a suitable lighting corner for placing marantas?” – you ask. We answer: you can easily create the desired environment with the help of ordinary electric lamps.

Equally important is the temperature and humidity.

In summer, it should range from 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. But closer to winter, the air temperature should be gradually reduced to 18-16 degrees.

Experienced growers recommend keeping a maranta on a pallet with wet pebbles, ceramzite or sphagnum. This is necessary to make the air in the house moist enough.

Particular attention should also be paid to moistening the soil. For watering marantas it is necessary to use only settled water.

Do not forget to water the plant regularly, because the soil in the pot with a marante should always be a little moist.

In addition to watering the soil, it is also necessary to regularly spray the leaves of maranta. It is especially important to carry out the procedure of spraying the flower on hot summer days.

The best fertilizer for the maranta flower is a complex liquid fertilizer for decorative and leafy plants.

Mandatory feeding of the plant should be carried out in the spring-summer off-season. The fact is that it is at this time that the maranta grows especially actively. Therefore, it is during this period that the flower needs an additional supply of nutrients.

As for flower transplantation, it should be carried out at least once every two years. But ideally, transplanting a maranta into a larger pot would be necessary annually.

The transplant process will not take much time. The first thing to do in a new pot is to fill a thick layer of ceramsite so that moisture does not linger in the roots of the plant.

Then we pour a layer of slightly acidic soil and carefully transfer the maranta to a new monastery, trying not to touch the earthen lump on the roots. And at the end, we pour the necessary amount of land into the pot to fill it to the end.

But before moving to the roots, you should put in order the upper part of the plant. To a modest sprout of maranta turned into a lush bush, before transplanting, you should cut off all the old dried leaves, as well as get rid of young shoots.


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