How I bring out complex stains without salt and washing right away

Until recently, removing a greasy stain from clothes seemed to me a difficult test. In an unequal battle between fat ingrained in the fabric and various folk methods for their removal, a lot of good things fell.

Just last week, I had to get rid of another polover. It is a pity that at that time I did not yet have the opportunity to learn about the method of removing fat spots, which the editors used. "Site" I'll share it with you today.

How to remove a greasy spot from clothes Do not go around the bush, but immediately go to the essence! We understand that our beautiful hostess is still full of household chores. The method we want to talk about today is to remove the stains by heating.

Its main advantage is that its use does not require prior washing of things. That is, you can use this method even while visiting!

It is worth admitting that with long-standing pollution, this method is unlikely to help cope. You can remove old stains only by washing using special means.

However, why wait until the stain is even more ingrained in the clothes, when you can immediately get rid of it with a regular iron and a few paper wipes!

How does the process work? It's very simple! Under the influence of high temperature, fat is distilled into another material (namely, on napkins, which we put under the thing). Napkins, in turn, absorb fat.

Please note, in no case should this procedure be carried out without absorbent material! Otherwise, the stain will pass to the cover of the ironing board or completely spread over the clothes, and then instead of saving the thing, you will have to finally say goodbye to it.

An important nuance is that the absorbent material should not heat up any more than the item of clothing we are trying to clean from contamination. However, the greasy spot must necessarily contact the lining. So if you want to remove the stain from any lightweight thing made of a thin material, you can use a small piece of unnecessary cotton fabric as a lining.

Even more ways to get rid of greasy stains from clothes you can learn from the video we left for you here. v=edF9sUve2Wc

We hope to see in the comments feedback on what you found the most effective way. In the meantime, we say goodbye and wish you a good day, until we meet again!


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