Should I give birth if I want a child at fifty?
The second child in the family is a huge responsibility, and there are many difficulties associated with it. Many people don’t understand why women want it at all. After all, there is already one, why give birth to another? The reasons for this desire lie deep and not everyone can see them. But it is important to understand them if you do not want to be one of those who condemns everyone indiscriminately, without even understanding the situation.
Modern parenting trends are such that people try to have children at a fairly mature age, when life is well established and there are enough resources. Therefore, they often give birth at 45, and even under 50. I think this is wonderful, because in this case the child will definitely be expected and insanely loved. And women will not regret that they decided to give birth, and will be able to fully enjoy their motherhood.
Many people have their first child very early and regret it. Not because they don’t like their children. It's only because young busy mothers who are still fixing their lives have too little time. They lack it even for their most basic needs. I would have had time to pick him up from kindergarten on the way from work. Many years later, mothers regret spending so little time with their babies.
Of course, you can communicate more with an adult child. But that's different. Young children are seen in a very special way. The tenderness that arises between a mother and her young child is unlike anything else in this life. A mother who missed her chance wants to have a second child. All in order to fully enjoy motherhood, without rushing to work and occupying thoughts only with your child.
It’s hard to get pleasure from something, being constantly loaded and tired. In the female body and so because of birth occurs low-stressIt often leads to postpartum depression. All this is aggravated by a lack of money, irritated conversations with the same tired spouse and the usual nervousness that is characteristic of all young people.
Of course, you should carefully consider all the possible consequences of your decision. Consider your financial situation, the attitude of your husband, your own strength and the amount of vital energy. Because the second child, This is no reason to forget the first.Even if he's old enough. Can you take care of two people? Do you have enough strength for your two children and yourself? By answering these questions, you can make the right decision.
Modern parenting trends are such that people try to have children at a fairly mature age, when life is well established and there are enough resources. Therefore, they often give birth at 45, and even under 50. I think this is wonderful, because in this case the child will definitely be expected and insanely loved. And women will not regret that they decided to give birth, and will be able to fully enjoy their motherhood.

Many people have their first child very early and regret it. Not because they don’t like their children. It's only because young busy mothers who are still fixing their lives have too little time. They lack it even for their most basic needs. I would have had time to pick him up from kindergarten on the way from work. Many years later, mothers regret spending so little time with their babies.

Of course, you can communicate more with an adult child. But that's different. Young children are seen in a very special way. The tenderness that arises between a mother and her young child is unlike anything else in this life. A mother who missed her chance wants to have a second child. All in order to fully enjoy motherhood, without rushing to work and occupying thoughts only with your child.

It’s hard to get pleasure from something, being constantly loaded and tired. In the female body and so because of birth occurs low-stressIt often leads to postpartum depression. All this is aggravated by a lack of money, irritated conversations with the same tired spouse and the usual nervousness that is characteristic of all young people.

Of course, you should carefully consider all the possible consequences of your decision. Consider your financial situation, the attitude of your husband, your own strength and the amount of vital energy. Because the second child, This is no reason to forget the first.Even if he's old enough. Can you take care of two people? Do you have enough strength for your two children and yourself? By answering these questions, you can make the right decision.
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