How pensioner Olga Papsueva makes beautiful dresses from old unnecessary scarves

Olga Pavlovna Papsueva has been sharing her household secrets with numerous subscribers for many years. And every time a wise woman manages to surprise everyone, it turns out to offer something unusual.

Not so long ago, she even demonstrated how to build a beautiful and light dress from headscarves. We are eager to talk about this original experiment of a famous pensioner.

Yes, this time Olga Pappueva decided to sew the dress using two old and unnecessary scarves. She liked the result, so she decided to share her find with followers. After all, the work here is minimal, and the result is worth it.

The first handkerchief, which is used by the master, has dimensions of 120 * 120 cm, the second - 110 * 110 cm. Handkerchiefs should be folded twice face to face. After that, it is enough to make only one measure - the girth along the chest line.

Olga Pavlovna sewed the dress gathered for herself, and therefore fixed her parameter - 100 cm. In this case, the chest line will be at a level slightly below 50 cm (2 times less, because the fabric we fold twice).

Then you need to determine the middle of the headscarves diagonally and cut the headscarves along the same diagonal. To make it more convenient, the woman first swept the scarves with a thread.

Now you need to connect the middle of the first scarf with the middle of the second scarf. First you can sweep, and then sew on a sewing machine. For the most impatient subscribers, Olga Pavlovna willingly demonstrates an intermediate result.

It remains to arrange the opening of the dress, as well as the neck and shoulders. Although the fabric on the shoulder of the blogger suggests simply to tie - this will be enough. The dress is homemade.

As for the neck of the dress, it is enough to fold the fabric twice to get a kind of roller. Then it remains to sew it in such a way that the thread does not catch the eye.

Also, Olga Pavlovna demonstrates the calculations by which she finds the height of the opening of the dress. The woman believes that this parameter is equal to about a third of the half girth of the breast + 5 cm. We know where the shoulder line is.

“Do not judge harshly, for it is a purely homemade dress made with our own hands out of things we do not wear, handkerchiefs. The fabric is weightless, just fluffy. I like this outfit very much, summed up Olga Papsueva.

Here is such a curious idea that will surely push many sewing lovers to interesting experiments. And it is quite possible that the result will not be worse, or even better. v=3Qq5ovWBNM


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