How to speed up the indexing of the created site using social bookmarks?

The task of any webmaster is to create sites https://fnx.dp.ua/ and such conditions for them, under which the web portal will be indexed as quickly as possible. There are ways to improve the speed of resource indexing.
Social bookmarking method
Among all such methods, special attention should be paid to social bookmarks. All optimizers know about the existence of such a service, but not everyone can use it correctly.
The considered method of speeding up the indexing of the site is that the created page is passed through social bookmarks. But in theory it looks much easier than in practice. When manually running through such services, you cannot get a special result. What should be done in this case? This is worth understanding in detail.
To achieve the maximum speed of page indexing, you must use several dozen social bookmarks at once. It is incredibly difficult to do this manually, especially when it comes to a large number of links. But on the other hand, there are special services that simplify the procedure.
What should be done?
First of all, a webmaster needs to register with social bookmarking services. And the more accounts he gets, the better. There are two options for registering the created site in social bookmarks - paid and free.
- With a free registration method, you will have to create at least 50 accounts.
- The paid method provides great opportunities, since with this option you can get several hundred accounts at once without much effort.
- In addition, when using paid services, you can also get additional options.
If you don't want to spend money on paid registration, you can resort to one simple trick. We are talking about registering a paid account for several people at once. We can say that this is a kind of folding, but it brings a good effect.
Social bookmarks allow not only to speed up the indexing of the pages of the created site, but in general have a positive effect on indexing. The effectiveness of promoting the resource directly depends on the number of likes under the entry in social bookmarks. The more links are posted, the higher the likelihood of a good effect.
However, you shouldn't overuse social bookmarks. If the number of external links to a resource grows too quickly, there will be a risk of negative consequences, because search engines can drive the resource under the filter in such a situation. That is, the webmaster must be careful.

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