Plants according to the floral horoscope, which will help you find love and your person

People have long learned to notice and understand the factors that affect their lives. They observed the location of stars in the sky, studied the properties of plants, and over time even managed to link together the chains of their observations. This is how the flower astrology came about.

Flowers at all times were considered the personification of joy and beauty. No wonder there was a custom to give each other bouquets of flowers for holidays, including weddings.

Today's edition. "Site" It offers to find out what flowers patronize each zodiac sign and attract love into their lives, so that the next bouquet you donate not only brightened the mood of the person who received it, but also attracted real happiness into his life!

The main distinguishing feature of Aries is an excessively ardent disposition. It is this feature of character that often prevents them from building a strong relationship with a loved one. The patron flower, which will help to pacify your temper and promote happiness, for this sign is geranium.

For Taurus, there is no better talisman from failures in love than a room orchid. Succulents not only cleanse the atmosphere of the house from the accumulated negative energy, but also attract promising suitors.

As for Gemini, this zodiac sign is patronized by field and forest flowers. And the strongest talisman is considered to be the color of lavender.

Romantic and faithful Cancers in matters of the heart are patronized not by ordinary flowers, but by water. In particular - water lily and yellow lily.

To attract happy love in the life of Leo will help the same fiery flower. Dried sunflower petals, framed with jewelry resin, will be the ideal amulet for this sign.

But the patronage over the suspicious Virgos lies on the fragrant flowers of linden.

For dreamy Libras, the best talisman from an unsuccessful union will be daisies.

But the pretentious and willful Scorpions should get a medallion with a dried jasmine color. Such decoration will help them to get rid of many prejudices and see their happiness before it rushes past.

Sagittarius Azalea is an ideal houseplant for lonely Sagittarius. The flower placed in the bedroom will pacify the overly inquisitive nature of this sign and help to approach the choice of a life partner more responsibly.

Capricorns will help to avoid disappointments in love and find harmony in relations with a loved one.

Aquarius Aniutina eyes - the strongest talisman for lovers Aquarius. These flowers will relieve them of emotional anxieties and help to strengthen the relationship with an already existing partner.

As for Pisces, the patron of this sign is considered to be lilac. Fish that planted a lilac bush near the house, the stars promise long family happiness and prosperity.

Do you think the stars made a mistake in choosing a patron flower for your sign? We look forward to talking to you about this in the comments.

In the meantime, we say goodbye, wish you a beautiful day and total luck in matters of the heart!


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