Signs by which you can recognize a gambler

According to psychologists, addiction to the game (ludomania) is one of the most terrible addictions. Excessively gambler is ready, without hesitation, to put on the stake even the well-being of loved ones or their own life. Therefore, it is important to know the signs that will help distinguish a ludoman from a simply enthusiastic person and turn to the narcological center for help in time. This is especially true because addiction can hit a player who has never succumbed to excitement.

Signs of gambling
Consider the 6 main signs of ludomania. In fact, there could be much more. But, if you notice at least one symptom of this “six”, this is a signal to be alert. So, 6 main signs:
- Increased time spent playing the game;
- change of values of life;
- loss of control;
- the emergence of new character traits;
- stubbornness;
- unkempt look.
Increased play time
In addition to spending time at a computer monitor, people have many other activities: study, work, hobbies. At a certain stage, online gambling can be regarded as a hobby. Most people satisfy their curiosity and get cold to it. Ludoman is spending more and more time playing. Gradually, excitement displaces all other activities from his life, the player even for food is distracted reluctantly. This is already a worrying sign.
Changing values
A person absorbed in excitement forgets not only about everyday duties, but also about previous hobbies. Books, sports, collecting - all this is in the past. He does not think about trouble at work, it is difficult to lure him to a party or an elementary walk.
Loss of control
Like an alcoholic who believes he can pull himself together at any moment, a gambler is constantly changing his sense of proportion. He is sure that he works for the benefit of his loved ones, strives for a big win. In fact, he has long been enjoying the gameplay, the fact that he is constantly in a state of stress. Losses do not upset the ludoman, unlike an ordinary person, but only increase the excitement and desire to win back at all costs.
Change of character
A person whom loved ones remember calm and reasonable, changes before their eyes. There is irritability and aggression. Any small thing: the need to stand in line, barking a dog behind a wall or crying a child can cause an attack of uncontrollable rage. If, for some reason, the addict fails to play as much as he wants, he will lose his peace, sleep and appetite until he gets his way. A good mood for a gambler happens only during a game session.
A sure sign of addiction is the denial of anything that might interfere with the game. Ludoman wants to play, and no reasonable reason can convince him. Any obstacle to pleasure only makes him angry.
Untidy appearance
A player with a pathological addiction gradually loses touch with reality and ceases to monitor his appearance. Portrait of Ludoman - dirty clothes, greasy hair, unbrushed teeth, bad smell of unwashed body. In more severe cases, exhaustion develops, since there is no time to eat. If you recognize a pathological player, only a specialist will help.

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