Choosing a moonshine machine in the Don Samogon store in the mountains. Krasnodar - what to consider?

The range of moonshine devices for home preparation of alcoholic beverages is now quite large. Consider the main points of choice that will avoid mistakes and disappointments.
Where to order profitably?
For purchase we recommend you to contact the shop of moonshine machines "Don Samogon". Despite the fact that the store is located in the mountains. Krasnodar, its products are available to all residents of Russia. The company carries out prompt shipment of goods to the cities of our country. Due to the presence of devices in the organization’s own warehouses, delivery delays do not occur.
Another plus of buying a moonshine machine at Don Samogon is the ability to review and compare the technical characteristics of models for as long as necessary.

Basic selection parameters
When purchasing a device for brewing moonshine, you should pay attention to such parameters as:
- Material of production of products. The best solution today are stainless steel options. Ordering, for example, the moonshine machine Wayne PRO (Wein PRO) 20 liters., You will get equipment, the durability and environmental friendliness of which can be sure. Another noteworthy production material is copper.
- Volume of distillation cube. If you only expect to drink alcohol from time to time, choose a small and compact 12-litre model. The optimal solution is considered a device of 20 liters. At the same time, "giants" of 80-100 liters are also on sale. But the need for such volumes in the case of home use does not always arise. But to pay for a larger volume of cube when buying equipment is certainly necessary.
Important! Do not forget that the permissible filling capacity of the distillation cube from the declared volume is 80%. In other words, if you buy a 10-liter moonshine machine, you can distill 8 liters of braga at a time maximum. As for the output volumes of the finished liquid, they will be directly determined by the efficiency of the technique and the initial alcohol content in the raw materials.
- Presence/absence of drywood. This structural element is responsible for the purity of the distiller. At its bottom, that part of the raw material that contains methanol, acetone and other harmful components accumulates.
- Producer's reputation. We recommend that you read the reviews of the owners of the model that interests you in advance.
If you do not expect to drive a grain, fruit distillate, and you need a clean and strong alcohol of high quality, order a rectification column.