Everything you need to know about contextual advertising
Twenty three million ninety three thousand seven hundred fifty
Today is a contextual advertising? It is by definition not a group of ads for display according to the posted on the pages of online text, but rather one of the most powerful instruments for attracting a network of potential clientele.
Google contextual advertising within the existing mod tools will help to determine with maximum subtlety and accuracy of the individual audience as well as to convey that she needed the advertising message. Thus, if You apply this kind of promotion, you will be able to use effectively your personal advertising budget, acquiring it promptly when the desired number of customers.
Google AdWords display able in a couple of types of networks: the display view, i.e., CCM, and search. In the latter case, advertizing will be able to see in the network nick after type in the required search queries. Roughly speaking, in answer to a specific question the user will be shown ads for your brand if their subject matter will be the same. In the first mentioned case, when the optimization of contextual advertising is completed, the message about the advertised brand will be given on the resources which are official partners of the search engine and placed in the pages code that belongs to this search engine, in our present case this Google.
You need to know about the differences between these networks are fundamental differences. These include the fact that the search engines subject only to the payment clicks, and the display also shows. In the latter it is also possible demonstration of a banner, video advertising and ad text content, and in the second type, only the last form of advertising. Besides, it is possible to find the fundamental difference in the behavior of users of data networks, through which presentation of advertising messages and performance metrics will also be different.
Do not forget also about the purpose of ordering contextual advertising, which include:
— increase the currently available traffic;
— branding;
— direct relationship of the owners of the resource with potential customers.
Due to a number of the following advantages of contextual advertising is one of the best methods of promotion in the global network. This effect provide:
Today is a contextual advertising? It is by definition not a group of ads for display according to the posted on the pages of online text, but rather one of the most powerful instruments for attracting a network of potential clientele.
Google contextual advertising within the existing mod tools will help to determine with maximum subtlety and accuracy of the individual audience as well as to convey that she needed the advertising message. Thus, if You apply this kind of promotion, you will be able to use effectively your personal advertising budget, acquiring it promptly when the desired number of customers.
Google AdWords display able in a couple of types of networks: the display view, i.e., CCM, and search. In the latter case, advertizing will be able to see in the network nick after type in the required search queries. Roughly speaking, in answer to a specific question the user will be shown ads for your brand if their subject matter will be the same. In the first mentioned case, when the optimization of contextual advertising is completed, the message about the advertised brand will be given on the resources which are official partners of the search engine and placed in the pages code that belongs to this search engine, in our present case this Google.
You need to know about the differences between these networks are fundamental differences. These include the fact that the search engines subject only to the payment clicks, and the display also shows. In the latter it is also possible demonstration of a banner, video advertising and ad text content, and in the second type, only the last form of advertising. Besides, it is possible to find the fundamental difference in the behavior of users of data networks, through which presentation of advertising messages and performance metrics will also be different.
Do not forget also about the purpose of ordering contextual advertising, which include:
— increase the currently available traffic;
— branding;
— direct relationship of the owners of the resource with potential customers.
Due to a number of the following advantages of contextual advertising is one of the best methods of promotion in the global network. This effect provide:
- The unobtrusiveness is achieved by displaying ads only actively interested in similar subjects, service or product to the users.
- Launch speed.
- The accuracy provided that a variety of targeting methods can allow the most accurate setting contextual advertising for a specific target audience.
- Flexibility.
- Payment only of the result.