Camping equipment. What you may need in the campaign?
Seventy million six hundred forty thousand five hundred twenty one
People who prefer an active holiday surrounded by nature, needs to take responsibility for the choice of your equipment. Having a comfortable tent, a large backpack, sleeping bag is comfortable, functional set for preparing food in many cases is mandatory.
Overview of popular tourist snaryajenie to buy the best travel gear, should initially be defined with a list of things that will be useful in the planned campaign.
Well-chosen outfit — a pledge of comfort and safety of the tourist
The above is not a complete list of things that may be needed by a tourist in the campaign. Necessary items it is advisable to purchase depending on the season, purpose, personal preference. Successfully chosen equipment will ensure the comfort and safety of every tourist, will help you to feel confident in even the most difficult situation.
People who prefer an active holiday surrounded by nature, needs to take responsibility for the choice of your equipment. Having a comfortable tent, a large backpack, sleeping bag is comfortable, functional set for preparing food in many cases is mandatory.

Overview of popular tourist snaryajenie to buy the best travel gear, should initially be defined with a list of things that will be useful in the planned campaign.
- Backpack. Thing — absolutely necessary for any tourist. In practice, men often choose a model with a capacity of 80 L. the Fair sex prefer to use the backpacks, whose volume is about 60 liters is allowed to use accessories with the lower index of roominess. In such cases you need to be prepared for the fact that some things need to bind to the outside of the backpack, which will lead to their getting wet in rainy weather.
- Sleeping bag. Can be winter, summer or off-season. Available for sale as a three-dimensional "blankets" and "cocoons". Sleeping bag cocoon has anatomic shape, the shape of the human body. Demand products with different fillings. The most expensive but also the most lightweight, warm are models for goose, duck feathers. Quality sleeping bags on the batting, with other types of synthetic fillers are inexpensive, have good performance.
- Tent. Buying a tent in advance to determine the number of users (the range includes one-, two-, three-, four-seater model). The most universal is considered the so-called "tourist" tent. Practical shelter will help out in a variety of situations during fishing in the forest, extreme trips, etc. Popular camping, assault, trekking, expedition, some other types of tents. It is desirable that in the construction of temporary housing was provided for additional tent space for the vestibule. Best are models with a lightweight, durable frame, ergonomic pockets, means for fastening a lantern and many other useful "chips".
- Camping furniture. The presence in the Arsenal folding chairs (stools), table plus. This gives you the opportunity to comfortably stay in place halt, to the pleasure of cooking and eating.
- Set the functional utensils necessary for any lover of extreme sports. Comfortable mug, unbreakable plates, ergonomic spoons, forks, sharp knives, large jars, pots, flasks, without these items being in nature is inconceivable. Select the required accessories to perform in accordance with the tastes and needs of specific people.

Well-chosen outfit — a pledge of comfort and safety of the tourist
The above is not a complete list of things that may be needed by a tourist in the campaign. Necessary items it is advisable to purchase depending on the season, purpose, personal preference. Successfully chosen equipment will ensure the comfort and safety of every tourist, will help you to feel confident in even the most difficult situation.