DATS the best in its class
Forty seven million seven hundred twenty five thousand five hundred two
Datsun is a new brand in our market. Contrary to mistaken belief, and the required price category, this is not a car Chinese manufacturers. Home to the build and development is Japan.
You can buy the DATS until in the mid-market. However, the range of this manufacturer has advantages in comparison with analogues of competitors.
Price variations
The minimum base price for the model will amount to 296 thousand rubles. Car in the maximum configuration will cost no more than 430 thousand rubles. Closest competitors in the basic price – Chery Indis and Lada Xray. The price of these cars will be, respectively, a minimum of 375 thousand and 589 thousand rubles. Cars produced by the Chinese and Russian producers. The Japanese model at least wins not only in price, but also to control the Assembly quality.
Every driver knows that dealers offer often expensive maintenance. Exception – Datsun. The company is so confident in the quality of your car that offers a unique package of the passage:
The average interest rate on the purchase of a car starts from 10.9 per cent. In addition, the buyer should pay the insurance package and the initial fee.
Financing conditions Datsun have a winning position. The standard lending rate of 1.9% per year. The options available in the form of a free set of tires, 4-5 refilled the tanks (the dealer provides a certificate of the operator). If the vehicle is purchased outside of Moscow – payment of the road to the city.
The company offers trade in – exchange your old car with a new surcharge. To know the price offer is very simple – fill out the form on the website, send an offer and get an answer about the benefits of exchange.
Even in the basic version includes options that are not available in cars of competitors:
DATS the wins in the technical equipment and the cost of the basic configuration. A special advantage of the model and dealer post purchase service.
Datsun is a new brand in our market. Contrary to mistaken belief, and the required price category, this is not a car Chinese manufacturers. Home to the build and development is Japan.
You can buy the DATS until in the mid-market. However, the range of this manufacturer has advantages in comparison with analogues of competitors.

Price variations
The minimum base price for the model will amount to 296 thousand rubles. Car in the maximum configuration will cost no more than 430 thousand rubles. Closest competitors in the basic price – Chery Indis and Lada Xray. The price of these cars will be, respectively, a minimum of 375 thousand and 589 thousand rubles. Cars produced by the Chinese and Russian producers. The Japanese model at least wins not only in price, but also to control the Assembly quality.

Every driver knows that dealers offer often expensive maintenance. Exception – Datsun. The company is so confident in the quality of your car that offers a unique package of the passage:
- Attractive guarantee for 3 children or mileage 100 thousand km;
- No need to spend money on diagnosis and replacement of consumable parts (conditions that are not covered by warranty). A package of comprehensive maintenance and inspection will cost just 6 thousand rubles. Moreover, if the driver is going on a long journey, the authorized dealer will hold a free inspection.

The average interest rate on the purchase of a car starts from 10.9 per cent. In addition, the buyer should pay the insurance package and the initial fee.
Financing conditions Datsun have a winning position. The standard lending rate of 1.9% per year. The options available in the form of a free set of tires, 4-5 refilled the tanks (the dealer provides a certificate of the operator). If the vehicle is purchased outside of Moscow – payment of the road to the city.
The company offers trade in – exchange your old car with a new surcharge. To know the price offer is very simple – fill out the form on the website, send an offer and get an answer about the benefits of exchange.
Even in the basic version includes options that are not available in cars of competitors:
- Heated seats (driver and passenger);
- Large Luggage capacity for its class – more than 500 liters of space;
- Optimum fuel economy when driving in city mode;
- Model has excellent ground clearance for the passage of the road – more than 174 mm;
- Large kit choice of engines and transmissions.
DATS the wins in the technical equipment and the cost of the basic configuration. A special advantage of the model and dealer post purchase service.