Why is the Zaryadye Park is included in the 100 greatest places in the world?
Ninety three million eighty seven thousand sixty one
In September 2018 opened the Zaryadye Park, listed by the American Time magazine's 100 greatest places in the world that should be visited. For the scale of the project, estimate the following numbers:
Since, two months the Park was visited more than 1.9 million people. Every visitor had a smartphone with Internet access. The load on the wireless network has been tremendous. The complexity of the terrain "charge" is a large number of small mountains and slopes. To install and configure the Wi Fi to transfer such a huge traffic – almost unreal. Keep in mind that each of the 1.9 million visitors have uploaded photos to a social network, included audio or video stream. Since opening and until today, the network has never crashed and given the greater speed of traffic in Moscow. The time spent on Wi Fi Zaryadye Park is unlimited and free.
What visual platform represented in the Park?A unique underground cinema with a total weight of over 80 tons. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of external load-bearing walls. Only the development of technological solutions for the accommodation took more than 9 months. To install the 13 foot transparent spherical screen has to execute a separate entrance. The screen reports the effects of visualization and full presence: 4K projection spray water, different flavors, generate air flow and create an incredible feeling of soaring over Moscow.
How to cover the story of the city in a few moments?Visitors have access to unique visuals. The life of the city for centuries is displayed in the transfer pictures and video reconstruction. Transmitting media complex consists of 33 projectors, cameras 26 and provides storage of information on up to 10 servers. Screen diameter is 16.5 meters.
The whole technological platform difficult to manage. Please note, during the operation of the Park did not happen no lining or failure. The natural result, group of companies "LANIT" in 2018 awarded the prestigious British prize InAvation Awards for technology breakthroughs.
In September 2018 opened the Zaryadye Park, listed by the American Time magazine's 100 greatest places in the world that should be visited. For the scale of the project, estimate the following numbers:
- 360 million pixels of all monitors, screens and video projections;
- Park acoustic power exceeds 55 kW (labyrinth "Ice cave" and the center "Protected the Embassy"). For comparison, the major rock concert to 100 thousand visitors is necessary to ensure the availability of sound equipment 70 kW. Park "charge" only for a few thematic areas has provided quality sound and audio system that rivals the leading concert venues of the world;
- Building a wireless infrastructure, scheduling, setting of special effects took a few years;
- The area of penetration of IT solutions and render settings amounted to more than 7,5 thousand sq. km.
Since, two months the Park was visited more than 1.9 million people. Every visitor had a smartphone with Internet access. The load on the wireless network has been tremendous. The complexity of the terrain "charge" is a large number of small mountains and slopes. To install and configure the Wi Fi to transfer such a huge traffic – almost unreal. Keep in mind that each of the 1.9 million visitors have uploaded photos to a social network, included audio or video stream. Since opening and until today, the network has never crashed and given the greater speed of traffic in Moscow. The time spent on Wi Fi Zaryadye Park is unlimited and free.

What visual platform represented in the Park?A unique underground cinema with a total weight of over 80 tons. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of external load-bearing walls. Only the development of technological solutions for the accommodation took more than 9 months. To install the 13 foot transparent spherical screen has to execute a separate entrance. The screen reports the effects of visualization and full presence: 4K projection spray water, different flavors, generate air flow and create an incredible feeling of soaring over Moscow.

How to cover the story of the city in a few moments?Visitors have access to unique visuals. The life of the city for centuries is displayed in the transfer pictures and video reconstruction. Transmitting media complex consists of 33 projectors, cameras 26 and provides storage of information on up to 10 servers. Screen diameter is 16.5 meters.

The whole technological platform difficult to manage. Please note, during the operation of the Park did not happen no lining or failure. The natural result, group of companies "LANIT" in 2018 awarded the prestigious British prize InAvation Awards for technology breakthroughs.
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