Best Halloween costume: ideas through the Zodiac signs
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"October has arrived" soon we will have Halloween, is considered among the Celtic peoples all saints Day. Variants with the choice of the suit set. You can choose the best Halloween costume in the online store or try to make something with their hands. But what to stop a choice? Because of the abundance of offers literally dazzled. Maybe to appeal to the Horoscope, the stars suggested an ideal option.
The token is an avid traveler. Want to go on an exciting voyage? The time will transform into Lara Croft or Alice — heroine of the film D. Bobbin. In the first case the simplest costume: top, beige pants with a wide belt and a pair of toy guns. Alice – a more romantic way, with a focus on unusual patterns and bright colors.
The main focus for Taurus makeup. Your options.
Gemini, Scorpio
This sign should pay attention to the negative characters from children's cartoons and fairy tales. The evil witch from "Snow white", Cruella hunting for puppies Dalmatians or the Queen of hearts — the heroine of "Alice...". Will be very cool!
You will approach a "dead bride" from the movie of T. Burton. White (not necessarily wedding) dress with spots of red paint (it will be blood) — based outfit. Do not forget about the creepy "corpse" make-up. Of course, to wash it will not be easy, but the costume will turn out great!
This Regal sign loves worship. So your options of the witch Elvira (which is the ruler over darkness) or Jessica rabbit. Bright, quirky, brilliant in the truest sense of the suit will not remain without attention.
Virgo, Capricorn
The perfectionist and "good girls" are unlikely to feel comfortable in the role of negative characters. So you can try on the role of disney's Cinderella, Snow white or Rapunzel. The last option is for owners of long, luxurious hair.
The image of a charming and mysterious Maleficent for you. Cloak and gown – no problem, have a little pomudrit over where to get the horns. However, all this is in the online store.
It's about time to beat the image of the heroine from "Star wars" — Princess Leia. A simple long dress and natural make — up is the basis of the image. The main "highlight" of the suit is a complex, ethereal hairstyle. I may have to turn to the "pros".
Aquarius — the gourmet, but fast food can be very appetizing. To turn on one evening in a hamburger, slice of pizza or Apple pie is unusual and unconventional. For a notorious people — donut.
Mermaid (not necessarily Ariel), bluish drowned or Laguna blue the best option for this "waterfowl" sign. The predominance of shades of blue is associated with water.
"October has arrived" soon we will have Halloween, is considered among the Celtic peoples all saints Day. Variants with the choice of the suit set. You can choose the best Halloween costume in the online store or try to make something with their hands. But what to stop a choice? Because of the abundance of offers literally dazzled. Maybe to appeal to the Horoscope, the stars suggested an ideal option.

The token is an avid traveler. Want to go on an exciting voyage? The time will transform into Lara Croft or Alice — heroine of the film D. Bobbin. In the first case the simplest costume: top, beige pants with a wide belt and a pair of toy guns. Alice – a more romantic way, with a focus on unusual patterns and bright colors.
The main focus for Taurus makeup. Your options.
- Black cat (or Canary – like more).
- Zombie, skeleton or any other character from the underworld, requiring appropriate "war paint".
Gemini, Scorpio
This sign should pay attention to the negative characters from children's cartoons and fairy tales. The evil witch from "Snow white", Cruella hunting for puppies Dalmatians or the Queen of hearts — the heroine of "Alice...". Will be very cool!
You will approach a "dead bride" from the movie of T. Burton. White (not necessarily wedding) dress with spots of red paint (it will be blood) — based outfit. Do not forget about the creepy "corpse" make-up. Of course, to wash it will not be easy, but the costume will turn out great!
This Regal sign loves worship. So your options of the witch Elvira (which is the ruler over darkness) or Jessica rabbit. Bright, quirky, brilliant in the truest sense of the suit will not remain without attention.
Virgo, Capricorn
The perfectionist and "good girls" are unlikely to feel comfortable in the role of negative characters. So you can try on the role of disney's Cinderella, Snow white or Rapunzel. The last option is for owners of long, luxurious hair.
The image of a charming and mysterious Maleficent for you. Cloak and gown – no problem, have a little pomudrit over where to get the horns. However, all this is in the online store.
It's about time to beat the image of the heroine from "Star wars" — Princess Leia. A simple long dress and natural make — up is the basis of the image. The main "highlight" of the suit is a complex, ethereal hairstyle. I may have to turn to the "pros".
Aquarius — the gourmet, but fast food can be very appetizing. To turn on one evening in a hamburger, slice of pizza or Apple pie is unusual and unconventional. For a notorious people — donut.
Mermaid (not necessarily Ariel), bluish drowned or Laguna blue the best option for this "waterfowl" sign. The predominance of shades of blue is associated with water.

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