Quests in Vladivostok
Twenty five million one hundred thirty two thousand three hundred three
In these few years of existence, the escape rooms in Russia, we've learned that the quest is when you are locked in a room for an hour, and you're trying to get out.
Thirty two million six hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred twelve
But today I want to appeal to "basics" and to extend this concept. Originally "quest" is actually an ancient, even archetypal, the English word for the test of the hero on the way. No, not so. in the way. Perseus and Hercules (says Wikipedia) passed their quests, and even the quest for the Holy Grail knights of the round table – it is also famous Quest!
Eighty three million twenty three thousand three hundred fifty eight
Yes, then the concept migrated to the games. And in a different way established in the Russian use. Marketing has convinced everyone that "quests", or "live quests" – when you close on 50 minutes in the room.
And maybe, if I'm not going to tell, you never know what quests in both games, too, historically have many meanings.
Nineteen million two hundred two thousand eighty four
Let's start with the famous role-playing quests, games or murder mystery as it was originally called in English. Or parlour games, as you like. The point is that given the history that exists in the selected place and time – each player is given the role of describing his character. The character has character, secrets, friends and enemies, and objectives in this game. His enemies, too, have purpose. Moderated quest, so it creates conflict. And within the specified time, live in the way of their characters, players are trying to accomplish their goals. The traces of the killings or to investigate it, to invent the prototype of the universal soldier or to save the human race from genetic modification; to audition for the lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster, or to persuade the Director to create a chamber theater productions; to promote Italian throne protege of his family or to announce the creation of a Republican system. The plot can occur in any proposed circumstances, in any time and place.
The most well-known Russian company engaged in the creation, writing, or translation into Russian and adaptation of such role-playing quests – Questore.
The Vladivostok representation Questiii company "Questcare". Now we have more than twenty stories for birthdays, corporate events or just a friendly party. There are lots of options of quests, suitable for different ages of players, different athletes and different temperament.
Fifty five million eight hundred sixty two thousand six hundred seven
The only usual thing is it will be really interesting quest, and it will be a good team building (if you chose to play on a work team) or warming-up (if you gathered a group of people unfamiliar with each other) or the recognition of friends in unexpected places. And it always gives a lot of topics for further discussion, jokes, and leaves an interesting aftertaste.
To learn more, click here
Fifty two million six hundred ninety thousand four hundred ninety five
In these few years of existence, the escape rooms in Russia, we've learned that the quest is when you are locked in a room for an hour, and you're trying to get out.
Thirty two million six hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred twelve
But today I want to appeal to "basics" and to extend this concept. Originally "quest" is actually an ancient, even archetypal, the English word for the test of the hero on the way. No, not so. in the way. Perseus and Hercules (says Wikipedia) passed their quests, and even the quest for the Holy Grail knights of the round table – it is also famous Quest!
Eighty three million twenty three thousand three hundred fifty eight
Yes, then the concept migrated to the games. And in a different way established in the Russian use. Marketing has convinced everyone that "quests", or "live quests" – when you close on 50 minutes in the room.
And maybe, if I'm not going to tell, you never know what quests in both games, too, historically have many meanings.
Nineteen million two hundred two thousand eighty four
Let's start with the famous role-playing quests, games or murder mystery as it was originally called in English. Or parlour games, as you like. The point is that given the history that exists in the selected place and time – each player is given the role of describing his character. The character has character, secrets, friends and enemies, and objectives in this game. His enemies, too, have purpose. Moderated quest, so it creates conflict. And within the specified time, live in the way of their characters, players are trying to accomplish their goals. The traces of the killings or to investigate it, to invent the prototype of the universal soldier or to save the human race from genetic modification; to audition for the lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster, or to persuade the Director to create a chamber theater productions; to promote Italian throne protege of his family or to announce the creation of a Republican system. The plot can occur in any proposed circumstances, in any time and place.
The most well-known Russian company engaged in the creation, writing, or translation into Russian and adaptation of such role-playing quests – Questore.
The Vladivostok representation Questiii company "Questcare". Now we have more than twenty stories for birthdays, corporate events or just a friendly party. There are lots of options of quests, suitable for different ages of players, different athletes and different temperament.
Fifty five million eight hundred sixty two thousand six hundred seven
The only usual thing is it will be really interesting quest, and it will be a good team building (if you chose to play on a work team) or warming-up (if you gathered a group of people unfamiliar with each other) or the recognition of friends in unexpected places. And it always gives a lot of topics for further discussion, jokes, and leaves an interesting aftertaste.
To learn more, click here
Fifty two million six hundred ninety thousand four hundred ninety five