Choose one of these 5 hairstyles and forget about styling
Thirty three million seventy four thousand four hundred thirty two
So many precious morning minutes (and sometimes nerves) we lose to style your hair. But there is a simple alternative — to get a haircut so that before any exit could just go with a comb.
The website selected 5 hairstyles for different length and structure hair, which without styling will look great.
Long and straight
Long, straight, shiny, well-groomed hair — this is a gorgeous hairstyle that does not require any varnishes and mousses. And this small trick, as long bangs, and even accentuate the oval of the face.
Long and curly
Imperfectly straight hair suit layered haircuts. This hairstyle will not need long and hard to stack, and it will give the hair a natural volume and splendor.
Any medium
Stylish messy hair "shag" is gaining popularity. It is suitable to thin hair — they will look more voluminous and thick — their natural naughty stuff will look like on the cover of magazines. Those haircuts with ragged locks and long bangs are very comfortable — before going out you need only hold a hand through his hair.
Short and straight
Extended to chin Bob will add volume to the hair without additional styling and any means. This haircut makes the image very feminine open neck and also suitable for any age.
Any short
Pixie is a small miracle for any hair type. This hairstyle with short strands in front and back and long on top does not require attention and can do without additional funds.
Photo eastnews preview
via www.eastnews.ru/
So many precious morning minutes (and sometimes nerves) we lose to style your hair. But there is a simple alternative — to get a haircut so that before any exit could just go with a comb.
The website selected 5 hairstyles for different length and structure hair, which without styling will look great.
Long and straight
Long, straight, shiny, well-groomed hair — this is a gorgeous hairstyle that does not require any varnishes and mousses. And this small trick, as long bangs, and even accentuate the oval of the face.
Long and curly
Imperfectly straight hair suit layered haircuts. This hairstyle will not need long and hard to stack, and it will give the hair a natural volume and splendor.
Any medium
Stylish messy hair "shag" is gaining popularity. It is suitable to thin hair — they will look more voluminous and thick — their natural naughty stuff will look like on the cover of magazines. Those haircuts with ragged locks and long bangs are very comfortable — before going out you need only hold a hand through his hair.
Short and straight
Extended to chin Bob will add volume to the hair without additional styling and any means. This haircut makes the image very feminine open neck and also suitable for any age.
Any short
Pixie is a small miracle for any hair type. This hairstyle with short strands in front and back and long on top does not require attention and can do without additional funds.
Photo eastnews preview
via www.eastnews.ru/