Race beds in Knaresborough
In North Yorkshire charity race. Participants had to run 2.4 miles through the medieval cobbled streets of Knaresborough and overcome cool waters of the river NIDD. In total, the race was attended by 90 teams, each consisted of six runners and a passenger.
The first charity event was held in 1966, the race for beds was inspired to hold similar events worldwide.
Fifty nine million nine hundred nineteen thousand two hundred ninety nine
Thirty eight million eight hundred nineteen thousand one hundred ninety eight
Forty three million nine hundred ninety five thousand seventy two
Fifteen million eight hundred fifty eight thousand two hundred ninety three
Forty three million eight hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred twenty three
Seventy four million five hundred twenty one thousand eight hundred sixty nine
Ninety one million nine hundred fourteen thousand five hundred seventy six
Ninety four million five hundred seventy one thousand six hundred fourteen
Twenty two million six hundred nine thousand nine hundred thirty one
Twenty million one hundred eighty four thousand seven hundred sixty seven
Eighty four million nine hundred fifty eight thousand thirty three
Seventy seven million one hundred forty one thousand two hundred ninety nine
Sixty eight million thirty eight thousand nine hundred
The first charity event was held in 1966, the race for beds was inspired to hold similar events worldwide.
Fifty nine million nine hundred nineteen thousand two hundred ninety nine
Thirty eight million eight hundred nineteen thousand one hundred ninety eight
Forty three million nine hundred ninety five thousand seventy two
Fifteen million eight hundred fifty eight thousand two hundred ninety three
Forty three million eight hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred twenty three
Seventy four million five hundred twenty one thousand eight hundred sixty nine
Ninety one million nine hundred fourteen thousand five hundred seventy six
Ninety four million five hundred seventy one thousand six hundred fourteen
Twenty two million six hundred nine thousand nine hundred thirty one
Twenty million one hundred eighty four thousand seven hundred sixty seven
Eighty four million nine hundred fifty eight thousand thirty three
Seventy seven million one hundred forty one thousand two hundred ninety nine
Sixty eight million thirty eight thousand nine hundred
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