Racing on buses (10 photos)
On American fairs actively advertise race on school buses.
City Croton, Ohio - one of the few places where these are allowed bus race.
15-meter buses weighing up to eight tons of way through dirty "track" the size of a football field.
Tim Weiler leaned on the front of the bus before the start of the first race on school buses at the fair Hartford.
Racers buy old buses and clean windows and passenger seats. They enhance protection for the motor with steel frames. Some increase engine paint other buses. Photo: Kevin Poppell posing buses between his friend Ed Workman - one he rode last year, on the other - in this.
23-year-old Jessie Thorpe of Senterburga. Ohio - professional hairdresser, and in his spare time - racer on the bus. Race "Hartford Fair" was her first race.
On the race drivers can not collide with each other. The race takes place in three stages, and the two fastest riders go to the finals.
The boy looks like buses "warmed up" before the start of the race.
Race on buses attracted more than 6,000 people who came to the race with a cold turkey and lemonade.
Aaron Roll flag waving to other drivers stopped after the bus Anthony Shaffer and his bus (left) overturned because Ed Workman (red, white and blue bus). Shaffer was not injured, and Workman won the race.
The owner of one of the buses Lew Kanter bought my bus for $ 1,000. He and his friends worked on the engine a little, so he let the black smoke from the exhaust pipe. Photo: Geoff Trayner (left) and Anthony Shaffer put bus to the trailer after the race.
Ed Workman goes to his victory. However, Kanter. the owner of the blue bus, vowed revenge in the upcoming race on Labor Day in neighboring Morrow County.
City Croton, Ohio - one of the few places where these are allowed bus race.
15-meter buses weighing up to eight tons of way through dirty "track" the size of a football field.
Tim Weiler leaned on the front of the bus before the start of the first race on school buses at the fair Hartford.
Racers buy old buses and clean windows and passenger seats. They enhance protection for the motor with steel frames. Some increase engine paint other buses. Photo: Kevin Poppell posing buses between his friend Ed Workman - one he rode last year, on the other - in this.
23-year-old Jessie Thorpe of Senterburga. Ohio - professional hairdresser, and in his spare time - racer on the bus. Race "Hartford Fair" was her first race.
On the race drivers can not collide with each other. The race takes place in three stages, and the two fastest riders go to the finals.
The boy looks like buses "warmed up" before the start of the race.
Race on buses attracted more than 6,000 people who came to the race with a cold turkey and lemonade.
Aaron Roll flag waving to other drivers stopped after the bus Anthony Shaffer and his bus (left) overturned because Ed Workman (red, white and blue bus). Shaffer was not injured, and Workman won the race.
The owner of one of the buses Lew Kanter bought my bus for $ 1,000. He and his friends worked on the engine a little, so he let the black smoke from the exhaust pipe. Photo: Geoff Trayner (left) and Anthony Shaffer put bus to the trailer after the race.
Ed Workman goes to his victory. However, Kanter. the owner of the blue bus, vowed revenge in the upcoming race on Labor Day in neighboring Morrow County.
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