16 reasons for never, never, never to visit Iceland
Eighteen million five hundred twenty four thousand five hundred fifty three
Iceland is far away. This island nation is actually "floats" in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, and from its name just blows cold. The Icelandic scenery is so bright and colorful that they are beginning to ripple in the eyes.
The website with all the force he tried to convince you that on a trip to Iceland to forget. Once and for all.
Iceland is harsh and full of dangers Krai
From the ground suddenly appear water bubbles
In Reykjavik there is no one more or less decent skyscraper
Local names are completely unpronounceable. Eya... Aafat... a Volcano in General
To reach the lighthouse, you will have to first swim and then climb a mountain
The local birds look very strange
And the ice here somehow blue
And landscapes in Iceland, some ethereal...
Well, who could come to mind to do the lawn directly on the roof?
No, seriously, what a strange addiction to blue?
But the sky here is green — the opposite is true
In local caves sometimes not get there without a boat
Anyway here without a boat can not do
Icelandic rocks like trees. Or Vice versa? We are confused
And even local buildings as if made of ice
But the main danger is to fall in love with Iceland and want to stay on the Atlantic coast
Photos on the preview Bjørn Giesenbauer/flickr
via www.flickr.com/photos/giesenbauer/2072569810/in/album-72157609191391650/
Iceland is far away. This island nation is actually "floats" in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, and from its name just blows cold. The Icelandic scenery is so bright and colorful that they are beginning to ripple in the eyes.
The website with all the force he tried to convince you that on a trip to Iceland to forget. Once and for all.
Iceland is harsh and full of dangers Krai

From the ground suddenly appear water bubbles

In Reykjavik there is no one more or less decent skyscraper

Local names are completely unpronounceable. Eya... Aafat... a Volcano in General

To reach the lighthouse, you will have to first swim and then climb a mountain

The local birds look very strange

And the ice here somehow blue

And landscapes in Iceland, some ethereal...

Well, who could come to mind to do the lawn directly on the roof?

No, seriously, what a strange addiction to blue?

But the sky here is green — the opposite is true

In local caves sometimes not get there without a boat

Anyway here without a boat can not do

Icelandic rocks like trees. Or Vice versa? We are confused

And even local buildings as if made of ice

But the main danger is to fall in love with Iceland and want to stay on the Atlantic coast

Photos on the preview Bjørn Giesenbauer/flickr
via www.flickr.com/photos/giesenbauer/2072569810/in/album-72157609191391650/
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