White Mountain near Moscow
To quote the author:
Studying the site about travel, I came across a report on a huge white plaster mountain just 85 kilometers from Moscow. Photos of her look absolutely surreal and reminiscent of Iceland. Long hesitation, I went to her assault ...
At 10 am, after the morning traffic jams, I pulled off the Ring Road in the direction of Voskresensk and an hour later I saw a great white hill towering over the green blanket neighboring fields:
This mountain does not fit into the usual landscape near Moscow. In front of me grew huge vertical wall:
The entrance is guarded by nobody:
Upstairs is a broad, solid and polished to a shine road, envelope the whole mountain on the screw:
Flag White Mountain near Moscow studying the site about travel www.altertravel.ru, I came across a report on a huge white plaster mountain just 85 kilometers from Moscow . Photos of her look absolutely surreal and reminiscent of Iceland. Long hesitation, I went to her assault ... At 10 am, after the morning traffic jams, I pulled off the Ring Road in the direction of Voskresensk and an hour later I saw a great white hill towering over the green blanket neighboring field: This mountain does not fit into the usual landscape near Moscow. In front of me grew huge vertical wall: Entrance unguarded: Top is a broad, solid and polished to a high gloss way, the envelope all mount screw on top of the mountain more or less flat. Later, I talked with a local tractor and he told us that if this "snow" is not leveled for 3 hours, then it will be impossible to do:
This landscape reminded me of the glaciers of Iceland. Compare for yourself:
In fact, this mountain is not out of the snow, and phosphor gypsum - waste production plant "Resurrection fertilizers." The surface is very hard, and you can drive up to the edge:
When we arrived at the mountain, there've been 2 cars:
Guys are ready to shoot some fantasy and let me flip through his camera:
After the static model of the photos was asked to walk. Girls, tell me, how can you go? Is it so convenient to throw one leg over the other? This gait - is innate gift or need to train?
After the videographer for the cause began photographer:
I wonder where these photos will be used?
In the end, he decided to make a model that rides on the clouds. Apparently, they then Doris in Photoshop:
Having seen the alien on the white, I wanted a little pokolbasitsya:
On the way down I stopped close to local bulldozers Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant weighing 50 tons each:
Bulldozer said he has been working here for six years, and during that time the mountain has grown in 2 times. Not far from here there is another mountain of the same, though it ennobled, covered on the sides of the earth, and it does not look so strange:
At the same site, I saw a report about the huge multi-bucket chain excavator, which is not far from the mountain and began to look for him fare:
Judging by the track left by the report on the site, it was necessary to go through the village Bernyakovo. For it is winding through the forest primer. Just before the village puddles were covered with bricks svezherazdroblennym:
At the entrance hung funny ads:
Get here to the excavator in the footsteps of our predecessors, I could not. The road was getting worse and worse and finally degenerated into a weak path leading through the field to the forest. The car felt sorry for scratching, and I take a detour back past the white mountains. In the end I went to the sand pit:
On this day, the excavator was on prevention and workers swarmed around him. I was approached by the foreman, buttoned all the buttons and asked, "Who am I and why here?" Knowing that I want to "take pictures", he immediately banned all and asked me to leave. The motivation was: "You are now sfotografiruesh, then Internet cards laid out, and we pulled a string of curious. Work will interfere with "In the end, I managed to persuade him for a couple of frames:
This mnogokovshevoy chain excavator called Takraf Ers 710 and runs on electricity. Produces foundry sand from which the bottle and glass. At the end I asked the foreman: "And what performance it has iron snake?" He thought, looked up to heaven, something figured in his mind and gave a brilliant answer: "Do ... yn!»
via sergeydolya
Studying the site about travel, I came across a report on a huge white plaster mountain just 85 kilometers from Moscow. Photos of her look absolutely surreal and reminiscent of Iceland. Long hesitation, I went to her assault ...

At 10 am, after the morning traffic jams, I pulled off the Ring Road in the direction of Voskresensk and an hour later I saw a great white hill towering over the green blanket neighboring fields:

This mountain does not fit into the usual landscape near Moscow. In front of me grew huge vertical wall:

The entrance is guarded by nobody:

Upstairs is a broad, solid and polished to a shine road, envelope the whole mountain on the screw:

Flag White Mountain near Moscow studying the site about travel www.altertravel.ru, I came across a report on a huge white plaster mountain just 85 kilometers from Moscow . Photos of her look absolutely surreal and reminiscent of Iceland. Long hesitation, I went to her assault ... At 10 am, after the morning traffic jams, I pulled off the Ring Road in the direction of Voskresensk and an hour later I saw a great white hill towering over the green blanket neighboring field: This mountain does not fit into the usual landscape near Moscow. In front of me grew huge vertical wall: Entrance unguarded: Top is a broad, solid and polished to a high gloss way, the envelope all mount screw on top of the mountain more or less flat. Later, I talked with a local tractor and he told us that if this "snow" is not leveled for 3 hours, then it will be impossible to do:

This landscape reminded me of the glaciers of Iceland. Compare for yourself:

In fact, this mountain is not out of the snow, and phosphor gypsum - waste production plant "Resurrection fertilizers." The surface is very hard, and you can drive up to the edge:

When we arrived at the mountain, there've been 2 cars:

Guys are ready to shoot some fantasy and let me flip through his camera:

After the static model of the photos was asked to walk. Girls, tell me, how can you go? Is it so convenient to throw one leg over the other? This gait - is innate gift or need to train?

After the videographer for the cause began photographer:

I wonder where these photos will be used?

In the end, he decided to make a model that rides on the clouds. Apparently, they then Doris in Photoshop:

Having seen the alien on the white, I wanted a little pokolbasitsya:

On the way down I stopped close to local bulldozers Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant weighing 50 tons each:

Bulldozer said he has been working here for six years, and during that time the mountain has grown in 2 times. Not far from here there is another mountain of the same, though it ennobled, covered on the sides of the earth, and it does not look so strange:

At the same site, I saw a report about the huge multi-bucket chain excavator, which is not far from the mountain and began to look for him fare:

Judging by the track left by the report on the site, it was necessary to go through the village Bernyakovo. For it is winding through the forest primer. Just before the village puddles were covered with bricks svezherazdroblennym:

At the entrance hung funny ads:

Get here to the excavator in the footsteps of our predecessors, I could not. The road was getting worse and worse and finally degenerated into a weak path leading through the field to the forest. The car felt sorry for scratching, and I take a detour back past the white mountains. In the end I went to the sand pit:

On this day, the excavator was on prevention and workers swarmed around him. I was approached by the foreman, buttoned all the buttons and asked, "Who am I and why here?" Knowing that I want to "take pictures", he immediately banned all and asked me to leave. The motivation was: "You are now sfotografiruesh, then Internet cards laid out, and we pulled a string of curious. Work will interfere with "In the end, I managed to persuade him for a couple of frames:

This mnogokovshevoy chain excavator called Takraf Ers 710 and runs on electricity. Produces foundry sand from which the bottle and glass. At the end I asked the foreman: "And what performance it has iron snake?" He thought, looked up to heaven, something figured in his mind and gave a brilliant answer: "Do ... yn!»

via sergeydolya