It seems that in Antarctica soon the grass will grow
Seventy five million two hundred one thousand five hundred sixty four
We all have already felt that our usual climate something happened. By the way, these disasters happened not only in our continent but also in other parts of the Earth.
Site tells the story of moss, which, surprisingly, was discovered in Antarctica.
The talk about global warming — not an empty phrase. In Antarctica for a long time, the average temperature in winter and summer were in the usual range: in winter — from -60 °C to -70 °C, in summer — from -25 °C to -45 °C.
Seventy three million five hundred sixty two thousand one hundred seventy eight
But this stability was only until 1950. Scientists this year is considered the starting point when everything changed. Every decade the temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula increases by 0.5 °C, which is in General faster than in any other point of the Earth.
Eighty six million four hundred seventy three thousand three hundred sixty
At the 35th International geological Congress in South Africa, scientists said on earth since the late 1940s, years stuck the anthropocene. The anthropocene is the era in which human activity influences the ecosystems of the entire planet.
Ninety six million nine hundred thirty one thousand two hundred eighty five
Thus, global warming of the planet began a long time ago. Changes in temperature and other factors contributed to the fact that in Antarctica found the moss. Scientists do not exclude the fact that the landscape of the continent could be changed.
Forty six million six hundred fifty one thousand ninety seven
Photos on the preview earthobservatory
via earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=89806
We all have already felt that our usual climate something happened. By the way, these disasters happened not only in our continent but also in other parts of the Earth.
Site tells the story of moss, which, surprisingly, was discovered in Antarctica.
The talk about global warming — not an empty phrase. In Antarctica for a long time, the average temperature in winter and summer were in the usual range: in winter — from -60 °C to -70 °C, in summer — from -25 °C to -45 °C.
Seventy three million five hundred sixty two thousand one hundred seventy eight
But this stability was only until 1950. Scientists this year is considered the starting point when everything changed. Every decade the temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula increases by 0.5 °C, which is in General faster than in any other point of the Earth.
Eighty six million four hundred seventy three thousand three hundred sixty
At the 35th International geological Congress in South Africa, scientists said on earth since the late 1940s, years stuck the anthropocene. The anthropocene is the era in which human activity influences the ecosystems of the entire planet.
Ninety six million nine hundred thirty one thousand two hundred eighty five
Thus, global warming of the planet began a long time ago. Changes in temperature and other factors contributed to the fact that in Antarctica found the moss. Scientists do not exclude the fact that the landscape of the continent could be changed.
Forty six million six hundred fifty one thousand ninety seven
Photos on the preview earthobservatory
via earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=89806
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