Active holiday in Turkey

Creativity and tourism — things very compatible. If you take the popular route, many people they are associated primarily with the beach, clean sand, sightseeing. But this is not all the options! So, if you are interested in Turkey, you will appreciate the diversity of active recreation. In particular, in addition to the aforementioned flawless beaches and warm waves, the tourism fraternity there is a great opportunity to go Hiking, to conquer mountain peaks and to feel like real explorers.

Great, helpful, informative!So, a creative approach to rest much better. Specific benefits:
- All events take place at a unique historical point of view. For example, Antalya, Constantinople and other cities have a long millennial history, we should not treat them just as impeccable resorts, but it is also true.
- Reasonable cost. It depends on the number of participants. Sometimes the journey is three people, and in some cases people come from big companies of 8 or more participants.
- If you have no experience, it does not mean that the drive is off. Always accompanied by a group of experienced guide, instructor, perfectly knows all the nuances of the way.
- Well thought out organization of power. Three meals a day — the best option for participants. They will not feel hunger, they will have power, but at the same time, the stomach will not be burdened with excess food (to feel like a real foodie you will have the opportunity upon returning from a hike).
- The equipment is also included. Axes, accessories for fire ignition, first aid kit — this will be provided by default.

As you can see, everything is thought out and relatively simple. For a small additional fee you can rent personal equipment. Plus, additionally you need to pay for transfers to the exit point and the return point, and also need to buy a ticket to the reserve. But all this is acceptable and will not burden your budget.
Relax with the breeze and creativity!Really worth to try! You will not only have a great time, will see Turkey from another perspective. It is a tourist Mecca and attracts mountaineers, climbers and just people wanting to creatively relax. And of course, you make a lot of stunningly beautiful colorful photos from a hike that you will be proud to show your family and friends.