Exercise "Helmet": effective facelift without a scalpel!
Exercise for young personsExercise "Helmet" — the key exercises for the face. Exercise is first described in detail by Benita Cantieni, so maybe someone with it already faced.
If you learn "Helmet" in his youth, then to 45 years you just forget about such problems as drooping eyebrows, sagging eyelids, flat cheek bones, nosogubnye, dull the corners of the lips and flews.
Starting position: sitting or standing, the spine is straightened as in the exercise "String". The tip of the tongue rests in the sky behind the upper teeth, jaw slightly open, lips relaxed
Execution: mentally pull all the muscles of the cranial vault towards the top of the head. Feel like upwards to the frontal and occipital bellies naderan muscles, it reduces the Galea (aponeurosis), as upwards of the temporal muscle, drawn upwards and backwards of the ear muscles to tense and stretches to the top back of the abdomen, pulling the muscles in the back of the neck. Imagine a knitted hat that gently, but tightly covers the head and, as if giving the shrinkage directly on the head, pulling the fabric up. "Pull helmet", feeling the tension of all muscles to the highest point of the skull:
Quantity: Keep your tension from 10 to 20 seconds. relax your muscles. Do 3 to 10 repetitions depending on fitness. Finishing the exercise, try to relax the muscles completely, leaving them in a light tension — the tone — the feel of the muscles of the face are retained in aligned position.
Important! Help yourself images: imagine that on top you have tied a very tight ponytail. Can even actually tie it, to feel the tension of muscles. Practicing day by day you will feel real movement of the muscles, firming all of the fabric faces upwards. You can see the shift of muscles in the mirror.
Safety note: do not squeeze the jaw, do not strain your mouth and the neck, not Surte eyes. Work only those muscles that are described. When you learn to watch it, can perform a "Slam" without a mirror.
Result. This is one of the safest and most effective exercises perfectly tightens the entire face, adjusting the forehead, lateral part of the circular muscle of the eye, the face, the condition of the cheek muscles and removing double chin. Enhances positive impact of other exercises; comparable with a circular lift in plastic surgery.
"Helmet" you can do it every day, anytime and anywhere.If you do not have time for gymnastics complex, just "pull helmet" and your face is already transformed. published
Author: Julia Sartika
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! © econe
Source: //m.diets.ru/post/1579236/
If you learn "Helmet" in his youth, then to 45 years you just forget about such problems as drooping eyebrows, sagging eyelids, flat cheek bones, nosogubnye, dull the corners of the lips and flews.

Starting position: sitting or standing, the spine is straightened as in the exercise "String". The tip of the tongue rests in the sky behind the upper teeth, jaw slightly open, lips relaxed
Execution: mentally pull all the muscles of the cranial vault towards the top of the head. Feel like upwards to the frontal and occipital bellies naderan muscles, it reduces the Galea (aponeurosis), as upwards of the temporal muscle, drawn upwards and backwards of the ear muscles to tense and stretches to the top back of the abdomen, pulling the muscles in the back of the neck. Imagine a knitted hat that gently, but tightly covers the head and, as if giving the shrinkage directly on the head, pulling the fabric up. "Pull helmet", feeling the tension of all muscles to the highest point of the skull:

Quantity: Keep your tension from 10 to 20 seconds. relax your muscles. Do 3 to 10 repetitions depending on fitness. Finishing the exercise, try to relax the muscles completely, leaving them in a light tension — the tone — the feel of the muscles of the face are retained in aligned position.
Important! Help yourself images: imagine that on top you have tied a very tight ponytail. Can even actually tie it, to feel the tension of muscles. Practicing day by day you will feel real movement of the muscles, firming all of the fabric faces upwards. You can see the shift of muscles in the mirror.
Safety note: do not squeeze the jaw, do not strain your mouth and the neck, not Surte eyes. Work only those muscles that are described. When you learn to watch it, can perform a "Slam" without a mirror.
Result. This is one of the safest and most effective exercises perfectly tightens the entire face, adjusting the forehead, lateral part of the circular muscle of the eye, the face, the condition of the cheek muscles and removing double chin. Enhances positive impact of other exercises; comparable with a circular lift in plastic surgery.
"Helmet" you can do it every day, anytime and anywhere.If you do not have time for gymnastics complex, just "pull helmet" and your face is already transformed. published
Author: Julia Sartika
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! © econe
Source: //m.diets.ru/post/1579236/
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