Rare photos of cities, done in the mid-nineteenth century

Sixty nine million two hundred sixty three thousand eight hundred eighty eight

Today to see what looked like various cities in ancient times, only in photos. Few places preserved old streets and buildings, giving way to new houses and skyscrapers.

The website shows the reader breathtaking images of urban landscapes made in the nineteenth century, convey the spirit of the era.

View of the Moscow Kremlin, 1858

The Spanish city of Alicante

The small Spanish town of gijón, 1858

River bridge in Toledo, Spain

Entrance to the castle of Toledo, Spain

Fountain on the street of San Bernardo, Madrid, Spain

Construction on the Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain

The Church of Saint Germain in Paris

Panorama of Paris from a balloon in 1858

Fish market in Hamburg, Germany

View of the Palace in Delhi, India

Destroyed during the Indian national uprising of 1857 the house

Bank in Delhi, also the victim of the revolt of 1857

Iron pillar against the backdrop of ancient buildings, Delhi, India

Drum house Nakhar Khan, Delhi, India

College La Martiniere, Lucknow, India

Under construction Chicago, USA

Station in Maryland, USA

Still buried in the sand the Sphinx in Egypt, 1858

via factroom.ru