How drunk police outsmarted
Ninety eight million eight hundred forty eight thousand eight hundred twenty
In the morning went to walk the dog and met a drunk man. In view of 40-45 years old, dressed quite decently. If not for the wobbly gait, I would have never thought that he is drunk. Probably just somewhere in the hotel went over and safely back home.
In a minute after our meeting, from the corner of the house seemed a PPS car and stopped right near the guy:
— Man, why like this on the streets around?
— I'm just going home. Come now and gonna go to bed, perplexedly replied the man.
— Submit the documents, please.
I have them not.
— Well, then get in the car, we understand.
I don't want to go anywhere!
— People, man, let's not be fussy.
After these words, the man slightly pondered, and then with undisguised pleasure plopped down into the nearest puddle and thoroughly smeared in the mud.
— Laaadno — with this phrase for my hero tried to climb into the car, where he quickly scooted back.
— Yes well you! The whole salon is dirty!
Man some time trying to get inside the car, but to no avail. Ppsniki eventually left, and after im satisfied with man of the theatre waving a large Fig.
via lolstory.ru/story/9285/
In the morning went to walk the dog and met a drunk man. In view of 40-45 years old, dressed quite decently. If not for the wobbly gait, I would have never thought that he is drunk. Probably just somewhere in the hotel went over and safely back home.
In a minute after our meeting, from the corner of the house seemed a PPS car and stopped right near the guy:
— Man, why like this on the streets around?
— I'm just going home. Come now and gonna go to bed, perplexedly replied the man.
— Submit the documents, please.
I have them not.
— Well, then get in the car, we understand.
I don't want to go anywhere!
— People, man, let's not be fussy.
After these words, the man slightly pondered, and then with undisguised pleasure plopped down into the nearest puddle and thoroughly smeared in the mud.
— Laaadno — with this phrase for my hero tried to climb into the car, where he quickly scooted back.
— Yes well you! The whole salon is dirty!
Man some time trying to get inside the car, but to no avail. Ppsniki eventually left, and after im satisfied with man of the theatre waving a large Fig.
via lolstory.ru/story/9285/
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