How "smart" sellers collectors played
Sixty one million five hundred sixty thousand five hundred fifty nine
I will tell to you one amusing case which has occurred in well-known companies that sell mobile phones.
On 1 April, the end of the day, not the most famous store. Of course, sellers very tired now, worked all day. Buyers this day were not enough, so over anyone not able to make a joke. But at the end of the day decided, discussed all and waited for the collectors.
Those who arrive in the allotted time to collect the day's earnings. Unnoticed by them, the sellers, continuing to take the money, push the treasured button — "Alarm call". After a few moments in the store break in service employees of security service. The sellers, seeing the group behind the glass showcase, immediately go persons on the floor.
Should I tell what happened after? Each group took a different for robbers, almost started shooting at each other.
After this story, of course, dismissed all the employees of this point, even the regional Director.
via pikabu.ru/tag/1%20%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%A0%D0%95%D0%9B%D0%AF/best
I will tell to you one amusing case which has occurred in well-known companies that sell mobile phones.
On 1 April, the end of the day, not the most famous store. Of course, sellers very tired now, worked all day. Buyers this day were not enough, so over anyone not able to make a joke. But at the end of the day decided, discussed all and waited for the collectors.
Those who arrive in the allotted time to collect the day's earnings. Unnoticed by them, the sellers, continuing to take the money, push the treasured button — "Alarm call". After a few moments in the store break in service employees of security service. The sellers, seeing the group behind the glass showcase, immediately go persons on the floor.
Should I tell what happened after? Each group took a different for robbers, almost started shooting at each other.
After this story, of course, dismissed all the employees of this point, even the regional Director.
via pikabu.ru/tag/1%20%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%A0%D0%95%D0%9B%D0%AF/best