Where's the cat?!
I work as a system administrator in one company, the office employs more than fifty people. Our company occupies 2 floors in one of the business centers.
Work, in principle, is not very difficult and stressful, there is a lot of free time, and tea to chase, and on the Internet to sit. And you have to entertain yourself.
At lunchtime, he went down to the store, bought cat food and put it in the fridge. And he wrote a note that he hung on the refrigerator: “Feed a kitten 3 times a day, food in the refrigerator.”
Not even an hour has passed since the beginning of my joke experiment, and already a dozen people, passing by the kitchen, whisper "Kitty-kitty." Looking for a non-existent cat.
Everybody loves cats!
via pikabu.ru/story/kak_ya_stanovilsya_sistemnyim_administratorom_4685618