Pavel Durov: Being a slave to money, it is impossible to become a true master of your own life
Those who seek my life locks, Parking sports cars and a fleet of Boeings will be severely disappointed. I have no planes, cars, and houses. My world is a movement on foot and by metro, as well as sleep in a rented room the size of 18-20 m2. Those who would like to trade places with me, would also have to completely give up alcohol, meat, and expensive clothes.
For over 10 years — from when I was a very poor student, I never tire of repeating: money overrated, because creation is much more interesting consumption, and the internal state is incomparably more important than the exterior.
As soon as you make money cult and exchange "to be" "to seem", you send yourself into voluntary slavery.
Debts due to the status of tinsel, dull work with a dull cowards, the need to lie and betray their world — that's only part of the price that you will pay for the excessive desire to paper.
We refuse to accept a world in which people can fight and betray their humanity for money. If there are people who go for it, their behavior must be hard to ostracism, in any case not be accepted as logical. A society in which violence for the sake of money is acceptable and clear, can not long exist.
The most terrible sin among fans of the cult of money — throw money down the drain literally.
Followers of the Golden calf with understanding read the news about buying a yacht worth a small city or cars for 2 million dollars. But running in free flight a thousand times a smaller amount will ruin their view of the world and will dilute the value-based Foundation. The Foundation of the false values, which determined unhealthy social norms justifying the true embezzlement and violence for the sake of paper.
There is an ancient saying: "a Slave does not want freedom; he wants to have his own slaves". One cannot become truly free, as there is in a dead-end paradigm of "slave — master". In this system, any owner — someone's slave, and any slave — someone's boss.
Being a slave to money, it is impossible to become a true master of your own life.
Author: Pavel Durov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.aum.news/novosti/2310-pavel-durov-chelovek-ne-mozhet-stat-po-nastoyaschemu-svobodnym-poka-suschestvuet-v-tupikovoy-paradigme-rab-hozyain
For over 10 years — from when I was a very poor student, I never tire of repeating: money overrated, because creation is much more interesting consumption, and the internal state is incomparably more important than the exterior.
As soon as you make money cult and exchange "to be" "to seem", you send yourself into voluntary slavery.
Debts due to the status of tinsel, dull work with a dull cowards, the need to lie and betray their world — that's only part of the price that you will pay for the excessive desire to paper.
We refuse to accept a world in which people can fight and betray their humanity for money. If there are people who go for it, their behavior must be hard to ostracism, in any case not be accepted as logical. A society in which violence for the sake of money is acceptable and clear, can not long exist.
The most terrible sin among fans of the cult of money — throw money down the drain literally.
Followers of the Golden calf with understanding read the news about buying a yacht worth a small city or cars for 2 million dollars. But running in free flight a thousand times a smaller amount will ruin their view of the world and will dilute the value-based Foundation. The Foundation of the false values, which determined unhealthy social norms justifying the true embezzlement and violence for the sake of paper.
There is an ancient saying: "a Slave does not want freedom; he wants to have his own slaves". One cannot become truly free, as there is in a dead-end paradigm of "slave — master". In this system, any owner — someone's slave, and any slave — someone's boss.
Being a slave to money, it is impossible to become a true master of your own life.
Author: Pavel Durov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.aum.news/novosti/2310-pavel-durov-chelovek-ne-mozhet-stat-po-nastoyaschemu-svobodnym-poka-suschestvuet-v-tupikovoy-paradigme-rab-hozyain
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