15. that women is not easy, but fun
Six million six hundred sixteen thousand five hundred fifty one
The differences in the views of men and women at the same things, make movies, compose poems and write books.
Well, we are in the Website not stop smiling stunning samaskom from the beautiful half of humanity. We have the next true selection for you!
See also
20 TEXTS that could only write women
25 SMS, which can only be friends
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-sms-kotorye-mogli-otpravit-tolko-druzya-761710/
The differences in the views of men and women at the same things, make movies, compose poems and write books.
Well, we are in the Website not stop smiling stunning samaskom from the beautiful half of humanity. We have the next true selection for you!
See also
20 TEXTS that could only write women
25 SMS, which can only be friends
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-sms-kotorye-mogli-otpravit-tolko-druzya-761710/
9 psychological tricks to attract everyone around you
Coast of the Laptev sea amazing beautiful at this time of year