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12 unique treasures, ruined by stupidity

Remember a feature film about Mr bean, where the character of Rowan Atkinson foolishly messed up the painting in the Museum, accidentally sneezing on her? But that was in the movie, although in real life there are cases at least amusing and sad.

The website offers you to get acquainted with the most famous in the history of the cases of damage of monuments, relics and works of art.

145-year-old guitar and Kurt Russell

In the story, in one scene of the film by Quentin Tarantino "Disgusting eight" actor Kurt Russell had to break the guitar. Since the action takes place in the XIX century, a musical instrument, it was decided to take in a Museum, and specially for this scene created a duplicate. Only during the filming of the actor forgot to warn you about it, causing Russell turned a Museum piece in the chips.

Moon Orchid and Keith Richards

In 2010, guitarist with the Rolling Stones Keith Richards visited the branch of the new York public library in support of the release of his new book. Before the interview he had to wait a long time library employee, and he decided to smoke, and the flower pot is next used as an ashtray.

Of course, a musician and wouldn't know what's in that pot was an extremely rare flower called the pleasant Phalaenopsis, more commonly known as the moon Orchid. Unfortunately, the flower in a few days wilted and died.

Dinosaur bones and vandals

In 2012, during paleontological excavations near Alberta (Canada) was found to be very rare remains of a hadrosaur. Archaeologists have left fossils and decided to take them to the Museum later. To our great disappointment, when they returned, they found that vandals smashed all the bones, and among them lay empty bottles from-under alcohol.

Tutankhamun and archaeologists

The tomb of Tutankhamen himself and the owner has suffered badly since. Some things disappeared, the body was badly mutilated in 1968 scientists discovered that the mummy has no sexual organs. However, soon they were found in the tomb of someone they were accidentally torn off and thrown into the sand near the mummy. Finally, in 2014, the Pharaoh was damaged burial mask, a unique historical artifact. The workers pulled her beard, and then glued back on with epoxy, damaging the mask even more.

Picture of Paolo Porpora called "Flowers" and 12-year-old boy

In 2015 in Taipei was arranged exhibition of works by Leonardo da Vinci, which was also exhibited other works of art of the Renaissance. One of the exhibited works was a painting of XVII century Italian artist Paolo Porpora worth $ 1.5 million.

One of the visitors of the exhibition, 12-year-old boy, who came there with his parents, and tripped on the rope, enclosing the picture, and, to restore the balance, accidentally put his hand through the hole in the old picture.

Picture of Pablo Picasso "the Dream" and excessive emotionality

A similar story happened with the painting of the famous impressionist painter Pablo Picasso. The painting belonged to Steve Wynn, one of the richest people in the world and art collector, in whose collection you can also find expensive paintings by Rembrandt and Claude Monet. But the main of his collection was the painting by Picasso called La Reve ("Dream"), he decided to sell for $ 139 million, but the unexpected happened.

Showing the picture to his friends and waving expressive hands during the interview, Wynn inadvertently punctured the picture with his elbow. Anyway, after restoration work costing $ 90 thousand in 2013, the collector was able to sell the painting for $ 155 million, although the real value after this incident, in the opinion of the experts was significantly lower.

Fresco Elias Garcia Martinez's "Ecce Homo" and 80-year-old restauratore

Another funny situation occurred with the work of the Spanish artist Elias Garcia Martinez, after which she became known throughout the world. The mural was in the Church of the small Spanish town of Borja and began to crumble due to humidity. Local 80-year-old resident and parishioner of the Church willingly decided to help the parish and to restore the mural, bringing the face of Jesus began to resemble the face of a monkey.

After that, the Church became a local landmark, tourists began to visit it to see the famous work of art, and the priests began to take money from them. Once 4 days has managed to raise $ 2 600, which later were transferred to the local charitable organization.

Wood, George Harrison and bark beetles

In 2004, in memory of the guitarist of the famous band "the Beatles" George Harrison on the territory of Griffith Park in Los Angeles was planted with young pine. Few people know, but in life, in addition to the music, spiritual and religious activities of the Harrison loved gardening. The wood was placed a plaque with the inscription: "In honor of the great humanist, artist, musician and gardener."

Unfortunately, not long ago, the pine was killed, she was eaten by the bark beetles. Of course, bugs was unaware that it was behind a tree, but to blame all of the Park staff, because they did not see a problem.

Napoleon chair and an employee of the Museum

One of the misfortunes has happened to the historic relic that once belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte. In 2014, the Museum of fine arts, sat on a folding chair, which the commander took to the battlefield. The chair, of course, could not resist — the seat of the red leather ripped, and the wooden structure broke. Although later, the exhibit was able to recover.

Ancient Chinese vases and untied shoelaces

In 2006, England passed a historic exhibition, which was exhibited including 3 Chinese vases of the Qing dynasty (XVII–XVIII century). The Museum staff in preparation, for some reason, decided to temporarily put the items on the window sill at the base of the stairs.

42-year-old Museum visitor who was passing by accidentally stepped on his untied shoelaces, he tripped and fell on a vase. Needless to say, what happened to these exhibits cost $ 849 thousand

Bottle cost of $ 78 thousand and inattentive customer

Salvatore Calabrese, the head of the Royal Guild of British bartenders, all my life I dreamed to create the most expensive cocktail in history. No less, but he estimated it at us $ 8 800. After collecting all the ingredients, expensive and old (XVIII century cognac, liqueurs XVIII and XIX centuries and tonic from the 1900s), he was just waiting for the first order.

In 2012 in London finally had the chance — there are people ready to pay for it. But there was a misfortune: when the customer picked up a bottle of the main ingredient, cognac Clos de Griffier Vieux 1788, bottle $ 78 thousand fell from his hands. Dream famous bartender crashed along with it.

Indian rock art and paintball gun

In 2010, National Park, lake Mead (USA) the accident happened: the Rangers receive a signal that someone is shooting with a paintball gun near the petroglyphs of the Indians, ancient monuments and sacred places for the tribes living nearby.

Upon arrival, Rangers discovered that almost all the drawings were splattered with paint. The culprit was found almost immediately. As a result, 20-year-old Amateur to shoot a gun was sentenced to a year in jail, 50 hours community service and fined $ 10 thousand.

Photos on the preview Working Title Films
Materials ribalych.ru, chronoton.ru

See also
The fisherman did not know that 10 years keeps under the bed the treasure of $ 100 million
10 weird paintings sold for millions
10 mysteries of the great works of art that do not know 90% of people

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