12 celebrities who brilliantly responded to the paparazzi
Fifty million six hundred seventy seven thousand two hundred nine
To constantly live under the gun cameras. You need to always look your best, that journalists began to discuss the slightest flaws. Celebrities react aggressively to unsolicited photographers, but some approach the matter with humor.
The website has collected photos of stars who, more than anyone, know how to interact with the paparazzi.
Harrison Ford
Uma Thurman
Jim Carrey
Ryan Gosling
Benedict Cumberbatch
Katy Perry
Gerard Butler
Dustin Hoffman
Simon Cowell
Bruce Willis
Grant Gastin
Leonardo DiCaprio
Photos on the preview Splash News
See also
15 celebrities who are just like us, I love summer and the beach
15 ordinary people who like celebrities as two peas in a pod
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-obychnyh-lyudej-kotorye-pohozhi-na-znamenitostej-kak-dve-kapli-vody-1349715/
To constantly live under the gun cameras. You need to always look your best, that journalists began to discuss the slightest flaws. Celebrities react aggressively to unsolicited photographers, but some approach the matter with humor.
The website has collected photos of stars who, more than anyone, know how to interact with the paparazzi.
Harrison Ford

Uma Thurman

Jim Carrey

Ryan Gosling

Benedict Cumberbatch

Katy Perry

Gerard Butler

Dustin Hoffman

Simon Cowell

Bruce Willis

Grant Gastin

Leonardo DiCaprio

Photos on the preview Splash News
See also
15 celebrities who are just like us, I love summer and the beach
15 ordinary people who like celebrities as two peas in a pod
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-obychnyh-lyudej-kotorye-pohozhi-na-znamenitostej-kak-dve-kapli-vody-1349715/
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