How to travel with children by plane in peace and quiet

Flying a plane is a difficult challenge for children, parents and surrounding passengers. Kids are not easy to survive the pressure drops, they swayed. To sit in one place longer than an hour is difficult even for an adult.
The website has collected the advice of psychologists and life hacks for parents that will help make the journey a quiet, peaceful and enjoyable for all.
The main rule: children feel the mood of parents. If mom is nervous because of the fact that the flight delay or late taxi, it is passed to the child.

This is due to the sharp pressure drop. Sometimes accompanied by pain in the ears. There are several ways to deal with it.
Kids from 1 year to 3 years:
- give a pacifier or bottle, and some moms feed their babies breast;
- if the kid likes to repeat after you, try it with him widely to yawn or just open your mouth wide;
- try children's ear plugs that help gradually stabilize the pressure in the ears, with the result that children do not feel discomfort.

Children from 3 years:
- good to yawn or open your mouth wide;
- "blow" ears: close your mouth and pinch the nose with your hands and try to breathe air;
- suck lozenges, drink through a straw or something to eat, for example bread or an Apple;
- to try baby ear plugs.

Kids from 1 year to 3 years:
- Healthy sleep
- Food
- Physical activity

- Games and entertainment
Play air football with a napkin to lay the folding table, take your napkin, crumple it into a ball and blow on it from different sides, it will not drop from the edge of the table.
Try interactive normal and soft sewn books (only without music) with small Windows, wheels, envelopes and pop-up paper figures. Children can spend hours looking at them, play with them.
Playing with the baby in the pantomime, "Forty-crow", her hands or thimbles. You can hide 1-2 subject and play "Hot-cold". Make finger puppets (photo below) and play a mini-play directly in the jump table.

For children from 4 years:
- Healthy sleep
- Games and cartoons on a tablet with headphones
- Game
- Creative activities

- Quest "On Board" (for children from 3 years)
What to do:
Create a list of tasks. It described the task in front of each is a square. This check-list. Create the job and select puzzles. It is important to calculate the run time so that jobs enough for the whole flight. Prepare the main prize, such as a new toy. Give it to the stewardess at the beginning of the flight, explaining the idea. Act: before the flight, give the child a check-list and a pen. Explain the rules of the game. Doing the job, he notes on a piece of their success. When all tasks are done, the kid presses the call button and the stewardess gets the prize. Ideas for job Ideas for quest tasks:
- "Dancing men". A coded message. On a piece of paper write down the alphabet, each letter is assigned its own code — a unique dancing man. On a separate sheet using the code writes a message. The child is given a sheet with the alphabet (decoding) and the encoded message have to solve.
- "100 steps". The baby need to measure the aircraft, the data recorded in the checklist. Steps to measure the length of salon, elbow — width (it is convenient to measure along the walls of the last and first rows) palms — width seats. Baby measures, you are helping him think out loud.
- "Black square". Cut from black cardboard square. Cut it into parts as described here. Typically, the solution to the puzzle goes from 10 to 25 minutes. Be careful: if you cut square, not keeping the "scheme" of cutting, you risk it then not collect.
- "Lunch break". You need to eat during the flight, without a single whim.
- "Launch aircraft". Make together the paper airplane. Spend 3 trial run along the corridor, where there are empty seats and no passengers.

Child from 1 year to 3 years:
Blow gently in his face, spray onto face with a little water. Children soothing caress, calm voice, rocking, gentle massage. Distract attention, smile, hug, kid, offer him a toy or drink.
Child from 4 years:
Ask the child calmly discuss together the problems after breathing exercises. Do together 10 deep exhalations and inhalations. Ask yourself whether you understand it, give a chance to speak. Offer a drink, book or toy. Embrace it, it will help the kid quicker to cope with stress.
See also
6 simple experiments for children, bordering on magic
Mom invented a device that teaches kids to walk
Little kids and their big dogs
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/malenkie-deti-i-ih-bolshie-sobaki-728560/
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