67 mandatory films to the status of "expert movie"

There are movies that form the basis of film as an art. Study them, quote them, them perpetuated in history.
The website publishes a list of such paintings. Paintings that need to know the students of the Department of cinema in all countries.
1. Amadeus (1984) — Milos Forman
2. Waltz with Bashir (2008) — Ari Folman
3. Blue velvet (1986) — David Lynch
4. A woman under the influence (1974) — John Cassavetes
5. Dancer in the dark (2000) — Lars von Trier
6. Pulp fiction (1994) — Quentin Tarantino
7. Underground (1995) Emir Kusturica
8. Three colors: Blue (1993) — Krzysztof Kieslowski
9. The Decalogue (TV series) (1988) — Krzysztof Kieslowski
10. Paris, Texas (1984) — WIM Wenders
11. Nostalgia (1983) — Andrei Tarkovsky
12. Blade runner (1982) — Ridley Scott
13. Star wars. Episode 4: a New hope (1977) — George Lucas
14. Annie Hall (1977) — Woody Allen
15. Taxi Driver (1976) — Martin Scorsese

16. Empire of passion (1978) — Nagisa Oshima
17. The Mirror (1974) Andrei Tarkovsky
18. Aguirre, the wrath of God (1972) — Werner Herzog
19. The godfather (1972) — Francis Ford Coppola
20. Apocalypse now (1979) — Francis Ford Coppola
21. Zeta (1969) — Costa-Gavras
22. Blow-Up (1966) — Michelangelo Antonioni
23. The Locomotive "The General" (1926) — Clyde Brukman, Buster Keaton
24. A trip to the moon (1902) — Georges Méliès
25. The Searchers (1956) — John Ford
26. 2001: a Space Odyssey (1968) — Stanley Kubrick
27. Belle de jour (1967) — Luis buñuel

28. Andrei Rublev (1966) — Andrei Tarkovsky
29. Persona (1966) — Ingmar Bergman
30. The Road (1954) — Federico Fellini
31. Eight and a half (1963) — Federico Fellini
32. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) — David Lean
33. Last year at Marienbad (1961) — Alain Resnais
34. Viridiana (1961) — Luis Buñuel
35. Sweet life (1959) — Federico Fellini
36. West side story (1961) — Robert wise, Jerome Robbins
37. Psycho (1960) — Alfred Hitchcock

38. Breathless (1960) Jean-Luc Godard
39. Four hundred blows (1959) — Francois Truffaut
40. Hiroshima my love (1959) — Alain Resnais
41. The seventh seal (1957) — Ingmar Bergman
42. Giant (1956) — George Stevens
43. Rebel without a cause (1955) — Nicholas ray
44. Pather Panchali (1955) — Satyajit Rai
45. Rear window (1954) — Alfred Hitchcock
46. In Porto (1954) — Elia Kazan
47. Seven samurai (1954) — Akira Kurosawa
48. Tokyo story (1953) — Yasujiro OZU
49. High noon (1952) — Fred Zinnemann
50. Forbidden games (1952) Rene Clement
51. Rashomon (1950) — Akira Kurosawa
52. The third man (1949) — Carol reed
53. The earth trembles (1948) — Luchino Visconti
54. Bicycle thieves (1948) — Vittorio De sica

55. Children of Paradise (1945) — Marcel carne
56. Casablanca (1942) — Michael Kertits
57. Citizen Kane (1941) — Orson Welles
58. Stagecoach (1939) — John Ford
59. Gone with the wind (1939) — Victor Fleming, George cukor, Sam wood
60. New times (1936) — Charles Chaplin
61. Olympia (1938) — Leni Riefenstahl
62. The rules of the game (1939) — Jean Renoir
63. Man with a movie camera (1929) — Dziga Vertov
64. The passion of Joan of Arc (1928) — Carl Theodor Dreyer
65. Metropolis (1927) — Fritz Lang
66. The Battleship Potemkin (1925) — Sergei Eisenstein
67. Nanook of the North (1922) — Robert j. Flaherty
Source culturacolectiva
Photo preview of Warner Bros.
See also
The 20 best movies according to the viewers, not critics
The published list of the 100 best films of the new century version of the air force
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/opublikovan-spisok-100-luchshih-filmov-novogo-veka-po-versii-vvs-1346065/
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