In Istanbul installed a sculpture in memory of the laziest cat in the world

Usually, when pets die, only the owners remember them with special warmth. But this fluff will be remembered by the whole world. A cat named Tombili during his lifetime became an Internet star, and all thanks to a photo in which he was captured in all his splendor - in a relaxed pose, looking at which any biped will immediately want to score and relax a little.

Recently, Tombili passed away, and the people of Istanbul, where he loved to relax, decided to perpetuate his memory and collected as many as 17,000 signatures to get permission from the city government to install this statue.

The official opening of the monument took place on October 4 and aroused strong public interest. Not only people come to see the monument to Tombil, but also his four-legged friends. Now everyone can meet a bronze copy of the famous cat, which “sits” in his favorite place.

Tombili’s sculpture will always remind people that in our busy world, sometimes you just need to relax and seize the moment.

Photo at Tombili preview / facebook.com
Based on boredpanda material
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