The oldest cat in the world was 31 years old

This tabby cat is the main contender for the title of the oldest feline: he celebrated his 31st birthday (this is 141 years in terms of human age). His name is Nutmeg (in English the word "nutmeg" — "nutmeg"), and the first time he found himself at the site of their future owners back in 1990 and immediately they liked. Then, in a veterinary clinic, where they took it for inspection, they said that the cat has at least 5 years old.

Since the cat was homeless, his current owners are no official documents showing his age. This is a major obstacle to Nutmeg was listed in the Guinness Book of records. However, his owners are not giving up and working on this problem.

According to the owners Nutmeg, "he was always the master of the house, and absolutely gorgeous cat."

Nutmeg — the old cat in the world, but for his family he first beloved pet.

But the nature of ATmega not perfect: every day he wakes owners at five in the morning and insistent demands to be fed.

Of course, this venerable cat looks pretty tired, but if you think about it, how would we look if we would have been 141 years?

I wonder how many lives this gorgeous cat? Certainly more than nine. And let it be still as much as possible.
Happy birthday, Nutmeg!

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According to the materials boredpanda
See also
Meet Samson, the largest and most charismatic cat on the planet
20 cats "pre-Internet" period, which were engraved on our souls
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