Why cats bring a host of home of slain mice
The owners of free-roaming cats are familiar with the following situation: you open the door your pet, and on the doorstep you will find a gift in the form of carcasses.
It would seem, why kill an innocent animal when a bowl full of delicious and healthy food? Before you decide that your cat just a cold-blooded, ruthless killer, try to understand the reasons of such behavior.
The hunting instinct.
Essentially cats are primarily hunters. According to recent studies, feral and free-roaming cats are responsible for billions of dead birds and small animals.
This does not mean that they are inherently evil, just that they are well adapted to a predatory lifestyle. Despite the fact that cats were first domesticated about 10 thousand years ago, thin they retain hunting instincts of their wild ancestors.
Although many of mewing Pets don't always eat and don't even kill their prey, to catch a "food" is a necessity caused by evolution.
Parental instinct.
Most often this behavior appears in females. This is due to the expression of parental instinct. In the wild mothers teach calves to eat right from early childhood, bringing them dead animals and birds.
Today, domestic cats often find themselves unable to produce offspring, and therefore, they have no one to pass the accumulated experience of generations. That is why they choose their owners, because you – the owners – are the family cats, those of whom she should care.
Physics in the world of animals: woodpecker and his "jackhammer"60 facts that is useful to know everyone
So before you reprimand your pet for not a very desirable gift, evaluate what caused this behavior, and evaluate the sign of caring and a demonstration of hunting skills is appreciated.published
Source: ogogo.top/interesno/pochemu-koshki-prinosyat-khozyainu-domoy-u.html
It would seem, why kill an innocent animal when a bowl full of delicious and healthy food? Before you decide that your cat just a cold-blooded, ruthless killer, try to understand the reasons of such behavior.

The hunting instinct.
Essentially cats are primarily hunters. According to recent studies, feral and free-roaming cats are responsible for billions of dead birds and small animals.
This does not mean that they are inherently evil, just that they are well adapted to a predatory lifestyle. Despite the fact that cats were first domesticated about 10 thousand years ago, thin they retain hunting instincts of their wild ancestors.
Although many of mewing Pets don't always eat and don't even kill their prey, to catch a "food" is a necessity caused by evolution.

Parental instinct.
Most often this behavior appears in females. This is due to the expression of parental instinct. In the wild mothers teach calves to eat right from early childhood, bringing them dead animals and birds.
Today, domestic cats often find themselves unable to produce offspring, and therefore, they have no one to pass the accumulated experience of generations. That is why they choose their owners, because you – the owners – are the family cats, those of whom she should care.
Physics in the world of animals: woodpecker and his "jackhammer"60 facts that is useful to know everyone
So before you reprimand your pet for not a very desirable gift, evaluate what caused this behavior, and evaluate the sign of caring and a demonstration of hunting skills is appreciated.published
Source: ogogo.top/interesno/pochemu-koshki-prinosyat-khozyainu-domoy-u.html
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