"Piggy" (Svintus), a pig with a 17th patch-sockets
The designers from the famous Studio of Artemiy Lebedev has made a real breakthrough in the field of experimental Zoology. The result of hours of work and extensive development became a wonderful pig named Piggy, who is in India for sure would recognize deity. After all, he had not one penny, and as many as 17.
The strange animal is not asking and not asking to use the toilet. However, feed his need, sticking to a long spiral tail-cord to the nearest outlet. And a pink little Piglet in one fell swoop will be able to provide activity to multiple appliances.
On the page of the conceptual network port "Piggy" ((Svintus)) it says that he "literally and repeatedly embodies the idea of the similarity of pig snout and outlet". And instead decorate the walls with tees or throw on the floor mnogorazemny extension cords can be accommodated in the apartment of a cute Piglet, and use its snout. By the way, built-in fuse does not exceed the permissible values, the total power of the devices — the designers also made sure.
Visualization of the concept saw the light at the end of September 2011, and when the world sees a live pig with a 17th patch-outlets, website ArtLebedev Studio has not yet been reported.
Source: /users/78