Alnwick's Poison Garden
In this poisonous garden are collected many of the most dangerous plants in the world. Behind the large black gates of the garden grows about 100 varieties of illegal narcotic plants, which make opium and other drugs. Here grows also Belladonna Atropa, also known as deadly nightshade, strychnine, cocoa from which make cocaine, hemlock, hashish and many others.
Despite the fact that the poisonous garden of Alnwick appeared relatively recently, the history of other gardens and parks at the castle dates back to 1750. And only a few centuries later, the local gardening tradition was replenished with dangerous plants. By now, everything is in perfect order – these places are a very popular tourist destination.
The history of garden renewal is associated with the current Duchess of Northumberland. In 2000, she became the owner of the castle and a large-scale reconstruction and restoration of local beauty was launched. The poisonous garden was laid only 5 years later, in 2005.
Tourists and travelers visiting the gardens of Alnwick are allowed here under the supervision of a special guide who carefully ensures that no one touches poisonous plants. Signs warning of deadly danger are also installed everywhere.
For security reasons, this place is under round-the-clock surveillance, and some plantations are even blocked with barbed wire. The main purpose of such a park is to make people understand how harmful and dangerous drugs are. This is very detailed and detailed guide during the tour.
Source: /users/87