Canyon Trois de fer Madagascar

Trois de fer is one of the most spectacular sights of La Reunion, a French island lying approximately in 650 kilometres from the East coast of Madagascar near Mauritius. This majestic canyon with a depth of 300 metres between two huge rocks, and on its bottom flows the river Bras de Cavern.
The gorge of Trois de fer is divided it two parts — a large crater, with six waterfalls and narrow canyon at the exit of the gorge. The source of the river Bras de Cavern located in the amphitheater high up on the mountainside, at a height of 210 meters. Usually water is scarce here, but during the rainy season, the mouth is filled with roaring streams and waterfalls come alive.

Walking 3.5 kilometers, the river flows into Riviera du Mat, which carries its waters into the Indian ocean. Trois de fer was discovered in 1989 and since then has become a popular tourist attraction. Here it is also very often held sports competitions.

Due to the fact that the gorge de fer, created volcanic rift, it is very difficult to cross, the center of the island of Reunion have been protected from human disturbance. Here you can observe a real abundance of nature, the rain forests, giant ferns and lichens. Forests in more accessible, low latitudes, has been converted into agricultural land and disappeared from the face of the Earth over the past four hundred years. The expansion of towns and settlements here leads to the disappearance of fragile ecosystems and confined only in the heart of island life is governed solely by nature and is natural course.

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