The Cape Of Beachy Head

Beachy head, a chalk headland on the South coast of England, near Eastbourne in East Sussex. It is the highest chalk sea cliff in Britain, rising to 162 meters above sea level. It offers magnificent views of the sea and surrounding coast. For some unknown reasons, an extraordinarily beautiful rock is one of the most notorious spots for suicide in the world.
Cape was formed in the Cretaceous period, between 65 and 100 million years ago, when this area was under water. When did the last ice age, the levels of the seas rose and formed the English channel, thus formed and the dramatic cliffs along the Sussex coast.

Beachy head is notorious as a year there is up to 20 suicides. Here even runs a special team, whose task is to locate and stop potential jumpers-suicides. This observation also involved the staff of the pubs and taxi drivers, who in any time can report on a special phone line about a potential jumper. Perhaps the reason is that all accidents are very widely reported in the media, which gives the place of popularity and attracts people with unstable mentality. Around the world Beachy head in this respect is second only to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco and Aokigahara woods in Japan.
Local attractions for numerous tourists, in addition to gorgeous types, are also beacons. The first lighthouse with a height of 43 meters was built here in 1902 and still works. Here also there is a lot of historical battles, in one degree or another influenced the course of history.

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