"Such should be treated like"
In homeopathy there is a rule that "like should be treated like", that is, when the disease helps the drug that in a healthy person, cause similar symptoms. Well, if you look at this statement literally?
Walnut — brain
The folds and wrinkles of a walnut make it a form incredibly similar to the convolutions of the brain with its left and right hemispheres. But the external similarity ends: these nuts contain a high concentration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B1 and B2 and various minerals. These substances improve the blood circulation of the brain, prevent aging and improve memory. Not for nothing this delicacy is considered "food for the grey cells"!
Tomatoes for the heart
Cut the tomato in half, and you will see many cameras that resemble the structure of the heart. Studies have shown that due to the content of lycopene tomatoes help reduce the risk of heart disease. If we add the juicy fruit a little fat – olive oil or avocado, then the absorption of medicinal substances will increase almost ten times. In addition, tomatoes contain large amounts of potassium, necessary for normal functioning of the heart muscle.
Red wine for blood
The product of fermentation of grapes rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, so a small amount of red wine can provide protection against clogging of blood vessels bad cholesterol. The wine also has a blood thinning effect, and thus prevents the formation of blood clots. Anemia (anemia), and total blood loss is useful to drink red wine, especially Cahors due to the high content of organic iron, which increase hemoglobin level.
Celery – bones
Long thin celery stalks similar to bone and are very useful for them! Celery is a source of silicon, which regulates the mineralization of bones, as well as harmless organic sodium is able to replace the contents of the salt shaker. Celery salt made from celery roots, improves digestibility of nutrients and does not accumulate in joints.
Orange for the chest
The similarities with female breast round citrus is more than just a coincidence. They contain limonoids – these substances block the reproduction of cancer cells is more powerful than the drug tamoxifen used in the treatment of breast cancer. Oranges also contain a lot of folic acid – the "main woman's vitamin", is particularly useful for expectant mothers.
Ginger – for stomach
Ginger is not just something like stomach – he's his best friend! Spicy root stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves digestion, helps with nausea, the case of disorders of digestion, flatulence. However, this applies only to those who have no stomach problems: ginger is contraindicated in gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, neoplastic processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Beans — kidney
Asparagus has a diuretic effect, so traditional Chinese medicine recommends to use it with back pain the result of kidney disease – the edema of kidney origin, kidney stones, problems with urinary bladder etc. in addition, the beans has a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands.
Carrots for the eyes
If you slice the carrots into rings, it is possible to see almost the exact image of the human eye down to the smallest lines that mimic the iris. And, as we all remember from childhood, especially carrots are good for vision.
Source: /users/104
Walnut — brain

The folds and wrinkles of a walnut make it a form incredibly similar to the convolutions of the brain with its left and right hemispheres. But the external similarity ends: these nuts contain a high concentration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B1 and B2 and various minerals. These substances improve the blood circulation of the brain, prevent aging and improve memory. Not for nothing this delicacy is considered "food for the grey cells"!
Tomatoes for the heart

Cut the tomato in half, and you will see many cameras that resemble the structure of the heart. Studies have shown that due to the content of lycopene tomatoes help reduce the risk of heart disease. If we add the juicy fruit a little fat – olive oil or avocado, then the absorption of medicinal substances will increase almost ten times. In addition, tomatoes contain large amounts of potassium, necessary for normal functioning of the heart muscle.
Red wine for blood
The product of fermentation of grapes rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, so a small amount of red wine can provide protection against clogging of blood vessels bad cholesterol. The wine also has a blood thinning effect, and thus prevents the formation of blood clots. Anemia (anemia), and total blood loss is useful to drink red wine, especially Cahors due to the high content of organic iron, which increase hemoglobin level.
Celery – bones

Long thin celery stalks similar to bone and are very useful for them! Celery is a source of silicon, which regulates the mineralization of bones, as well as harmless organic sodium is able to replace the contents of the salt shaker. Celery salt made from celery roots, improves digestibility of nutrients and does not accumulate in joints.
Orange for the chest

The similarities with female breast round citrus is more than just a coincidence. They contain limonoids – these substances block the reproduction of cancer cells is more powerful than the drug tamoxifen used in the treatment of breast cancer. Oranges also contain a lot of folic acid – the "main woman's vitamin", is particularly useful for expectant mothers.
Ginger – for stomach

Ginger is not just something like stomach – he's his best friend! Spicy root stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves digestion, helps with nausea, the case of disorders of digestion, flatulence. However, this applies only to those who have no stomach problems: ginger is contraindicated in gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, neoplastic processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Beans — kidney

Asparagus has a diuretic effect, so traditional Chinese medicine recommends to use it with back pain the result of kidney disease – the edema of kidney origin, kidney stones, problems with urinary bladder etc. in addition, the beans has a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands.
Carrots for the eyes

If you slice the carrots into rings, it is possible to see almost the exact image of the human eye down to the smallest lines that mimic the iris. And, as we all remember from childhood, especially carrots are good for vision.
Source: /users/104