Melkwegbridge – unusual walking bridge in the Netherlands

Melkwegbridge – unusual bridge, built by the project of specialists from the architectural Studio NEXT Architectsк in Purmerend (Netherlands). The structure is part of master plan De Kanaalsprong and connects the historical centre with the new area of the city. The most expressive part of the structure is the massive arch which reaches a height of 12 meters above the water level and is in constant communication with the road Melkweg-road.

Pedestrian bridge weighing 85 tons, consists of 130 items and is supported by a steel arch. The bridge is a pleasure, but because given only to pedestrians and cyclists with the division into parts for both. If this cycle route is about 100 meters and a pedestrian path, located on the arch, is the shortest crossing of the river and is 48 meters.

The design of the bridge allows to keep the spatial openness of the canal and its environs. Both sections (walking and Cycling) gradually merge into each other and form a unified whole. Visual unity is enhanced by the continuity of materials and colors.

Source: /users/276