Large horse head in the center of the city
Known for his original works of artist and sculptor nick Fiddian-Greene did a lot for art. Fame was a huge horse heads that are installed on the streets of big cities. These heads are shrouded in mystery and legend, who came up with the locals. Love sitting on the heads of birds, they also have the connoisseurs of contemporary art.
The first head was set at London's Hyde Park. Still everyone is wondering why the head is shown as severed, and looks down. All probably explains the name of an art project (Still Water) — horse came to drink. These big, ten-the heads of the horses decorated other cities, the streets, where they make up new stories.
The author of the sculpture calls his inspiration the famous sculpture of the Parthenon made of marble in the V century BC, Is a horse of Selene, goddess of the moon, now this monument is in the Museum of art in the UK. This masterpiece of the sculptor dedicates its cover versions.
At all times the horse was considered a symbol of freedom. Strong world had the honor to be compared with the wild horses, because of the perfection and grace of this animal should still look for the fauna. The horse bows his head proudly before his audience and not for a second does not doubt in his superiority over you. His dumb look indicates intelligence, which is silent to give the opportunity to reflect on the present. Life force is frozen in dead bronze, which makes us to awaken all the receptors depend on the vital organs of our body.
Source: /users/147

The first head was set at London's Hyde Park. Still everyone is wondering why the head is shown as severed, and looks down. All probably explains the name of an art project (Still Water) — horse came to drink. These big, ten-the heads of the horses decorated other cities, the streets, where they make up new stories.

The author of the sculpture calls his inspiration the famous sculpture of the Parthenon made of marble in the V century BC, Is a horse of Selene, goddess of the moon, now this monument is in the Museum of art in the UK. This masterpiece of the sculptor dedicates its cover versions.

At all times the horse was considered a symbol of freedom. Strong world had the honor to be compared with the wild horses, because of the perfection and grace of this animal should still look for the fauna. The horse bows his head proudly before his audience and not for a second does not doubt in his superiority over you. His dumb look indicates intelligence, which is silent to give the opportunity to reflect on the present. Life force is frozen in dead bronze, which makes us to awaken all the receptors depend on the vital organs of our body.
Source: /users/147