The most expensive dishes in the world
Our daily food, absolutely can not compare with that served in elite restaurants. However, even in some meals, can afford not everyone.
How would it not sound surprising, but the cost of saffron may exceed the value of gold. This spice made from the stigmas of the purple saffron flower Crocus. Each flower has just three such stigmas, and for the manufacture of 100 grams. spices (dry) to about 50 thousand flowers. So many flowers can be planted a football field. But to make saffron one color is not enough, also need manpower and laboratory. So the price of that pleasure may reach 5000 dollars per 500 grams.
Diamond caviar
This is the best grade of Beluga caviar with unusual light shade. The older the fish, the lighter the ROE is. As the Beluga it is a very rare fish, the old Beluga is quite difficult to catch. The taste of this caviar is very delicious. Banks for her, ALMAS, made from 24-carat gold. This dish can be tasted only in a London restaurant Caviar House & Prunier. And to pay for it is kicking in almost $ 50,000 per kilogram.
White truffle
This species of truffle imported from Northern Italy, with prices reaching $ 3,000 per 500 grams. Record price paid by Stanley Ho, a casino owner — 330 thousand dollars for half a kilogram.
Steak of marble meat
Real foodies believe that a steak from such meat differs in taste and smell, and even texture. All due to the fact that the meat obtained from cows of the breed "Tajima", which "sits" on a special diet. In America, the average price per 500 grams of meat – $40-$150.
Coffee Kopi Luwak
This grade of coffee is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive tract of the Asian palm marten, quite a rare animal. She eats the berries, but they pass through the esophagus intact, then they are harvested by specially trained workers. For the year manages to collect only 500 pounds of beans, this explains the high cost of this coffee variety – $300 dollars for 500 grams.
Source: /users/448

How would it not sound surprising, but the cost of saffron may exceed the value of gold. This spice made from the stigmas of the purple saffron flower Crocus. Each flower has just three such stigmas, and for the manufacture of 100 grams. spices (dry) to about 50 thousand flowers. So many flowers can be planted a football field. But to make saffron one color is not enough, also need manpower and laboratory. So the price of that pleasure may reach 5000 dollars per 500 grams.
Diamond caviar

This is the best grade of Beluga caviar with unusual light shade. The older the fish, the lighter the ROE is. As the Beluga it is a very rare fish, the old Beluga is quite difficult to catch. The taste of this caviar is very delicious. Banks for her, ALMAS, made from 24-carat gold. This dish can be tasted only in a London restaurant Caviar House & Prunier. And to pay for it is kicking in almost $ 50,000 per kilogram.
White truffle

This species of truffle imported from Northern Italy, with prices reaching $ 3,000 per 500 grams. Record price paid by Stanley Ho, a casino owner — 330 thousand dollars for half a kilogram.
Steak of marble meat

Real foodies believe that a steak from such meat differs in taste and smell, and even texture. All due to the fact that the meat obtained from cows of the breed "Tajima", which "sits" on a special diet. In America, the average price per 500 grams of meat – $40-$150.
Coffee Kopi Luwak

This grade of coffee is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive tract of the Asian palm marten, quite a rare animal. She eats the berries, but they pass through the esophagus intact, then they are harvested by specially trained workers. For the year manages to collect only 500 pounds of beans, this explains the high cost of this coffee variety – $300 dollars for 500 grams.
Source: /users/448