Unusual features that may provide airport
To cook
If during travel, You miss home, you'll definitely enjoy it Vаntaa Airport (Helsinki). Here one of the waiting rooms is made in the form of a city apartment, so you can feel at home. In addition, if you want to cook, you can use products that are in the fridge in the kitchen.
To go to the casino
In Frаnkfurt airport has a (Frankfurt) has a casino where you can sit before the plane leaves. Interestingly, at the entrance to a casino must show a return ticket, showing that even if you lose all Your money, you still fly.
To go to the movies
At the airport Sec Lаp Kok airport has, which is located in Hong Kong, is a cinema, where you can also pass the time.
To go to the aquarium
In Vаncouver airport has Intеrnational (Vancouver) you can visit the aquarium with dolphins, jelly fish and 800 species of fish. After such a rest you will feel great during and after the flight.
To get married
Wow entertainment, you might think. And why not? The main thing — to warn future husband that he is your lawful spouse in Schiphol airport has (Amsterdam). Because men are so nervous and surprises them badly hurt.
Source: /users/413
If during travel, You miss home, you'll definitely enjoy it Vаntaa Airport (Helsinki). Here one of the waiting rooms is made in the form of a city apartment, so you can feel at home. In addition, if you want to cook, you can use products that are in the fridge in the kitchen.

To go to the casino
In Frаnkfurt airport has a (Frankfurt) has a casino where you can sit before the plane leaves. Interestingly, at the entrance to a casino must show a return ticket, showing that even if you lose all Your money, you still fly.
To go to the movies
At the airport Sec Lаp Kok airport has, which is located in Hong Kong, is a cinema, where you can also pass the time.

To go to the aquarium
In Vаncouver airport has Intеrnational (Vancouver) you can visit the aquarium with dolphins, jelly fish and 800 species of fish. After such a rest you will feel great during and after the flight.
To get married
Wow entertainment, you might think. And why not? The main thing — to warn future husband that he is your lawful spouse in Schiphol airport has (Amsterdam). Because men are so nervous and surprises them badly hurt.

Source: /users/413
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