Soon will fall to Earth 5-meter satellite
Very soon will fall to Earth European satellite "DOCE", which is occupied by the study of the gravitational field of our planet. On apparatus whose length was 5 metres, all the while acting the force of gravity. In order to maintain its orbit it needed a new engine because the old has served its purpose.
As you know, at the end of the fuel of the satellite. At the moment while he is on orbit at an altitude of 224 kilometers. This height decreases. Experts believe that after combustion of all fuel in the earth's atmosphere will remain between 50 and 60 of its fragments. It turns out, the Earth will fall 250-pound machine.
While to predict where it will fall companion it is impossible. But already now experts say that people are not in danger. The remains of the satellite will probably fall into the ocean, and it will happen in October-November.
Source: /users/413
As you know, at the end of the fuel of the satellite. At the moment while he is on orbit at an altitude of 224 kilometers. This height decreases. Experts believe that after combustion of all fuel in the earth's atmosphere will remain between 50 and 60 of its fragments. It turns out, the Earth will fall 250-pound machine.

While to predict where it will fall companion it is impossible. But already now experts say that people are not in danger. The remains of the satellite will probably fall into the ocean, and it will happen in October-November.

Source: /users/413