Scientist made kettle in a chemical laboratory
Such a strange glass kit actually could create only a scientist.
Forty two million two hundred twenty thousand seven hundred seventy
Who else will visit the idea to turn an ordinary kettle in the chemical laboratory. And who is this creative person David Mateus.
Thirty nine million five hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred sixty five
In addition neobychnogo teapot he created a coffee maker that can brew coffee. In addition, all the glass parts were manufactured independently. The result was a funny transparent kettle.
Seventy three million eight hundred fourteen thousand one hundred seventy five
Source: /users/413
Forty two million two hundred twenty thousand seven hundred seventy
Who else will visit the idea to turn an ordinary kettle in the chemical laboratory. And who is this creative person David Mateus.
Thirty nine million five hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred sixty five
In addition neobychnogo teapot he created a coffee maker that can brew coffee. In addition, all the glass parts were manufactured independently. The result was a funny transparent kettle.
Seventy three million eight hundred fourteen thousand one hundred seventy five
Source: /users/413
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