The US is developing a project of power supply from orbital solar panels
At first glance, this project is pure fiction. Just imagine: a complex launched into Earth orbit, equipped with giant solar panels, transmits the received energy to Earth using a radio beam in the millimeter range. Calculations show that this energy should be enough to power a decent city. The object will be 9 times larger than the ISS. Its assembly will be carried out directly in orbit with the help of space robots. At the moment, 2 experimental modules for receiving, converting and transmitting electricity have already been created.
The first module is an electronic sandwich, the upper surface of which, being a photoelectronic panel, absorbs sunlight. In the inner space there is an electronic system for converting energy into radio frequencies and the lower one is the transmitting antenna.
The second module is made in the form of a zigzag, which makes it possible to receive more solar energy without overheating, which is its great efficiency. The designs are currently under patenting. According to experts, they have a number of advantages over similar systems, which are based on the transfer of energy using lasers.
Source: techcult.ru