How does a boomerang in zero gravity
I'm sure everyone has seen flying boomerang and was surprised that he was able to return. Japanese astronaut Takao DOI decided to see how the boomerang in zero gravity and testing brought a toy to the ISS. In the end it turned out that for the successful flight of the boomerang it does not require the presence of gravity to generate lift. He needs only air.
Dpi caught himself when he launched the boomerang inside the ISS. Everything was the same as on earth – the curved edge of the boomerang has created torque and the toy, describing a semicircle, returned to the hands of the astronaut. But if he tried to do the same in space, the boomerang would never come back.
However, some designers believe it is possible to create a boomerang flight which may be based on gravity. Such platforms will be able to fly on a constant orbit around the Earth. Perhaps in the future the idea of the cosmic boomerang will be able to incarnate, and it is based in space there will be new satellites and telescopes.
Source: techcult.ru