The pain threshold is inherited
As shown by the results of the study, which was presented at the annual 66th meeting of the Academy of neurological United States, sensitivity to pain or pain threshold is inherited.
Compared with acute or normal pain, chronic is a constant pain that can last for a long time, namely several years, months or weeks. Such symptoms may include spinal and headaches, arthritis and neuralgia. People suffering from chronic pain are likely to have endometriosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, also they may experience inflammatory disease of the urogenital system and intestines, as well as fibromyalgia.
To reduce chronic pain doctors use acupuncture, various medications, electrical stimulation, and not rarely resort to surgery. In people experiencing something similar can be observed in the cerebrospinal fluid decreased levels of endorphins, only therefore many methods of treatment aimed at the production of these hormones.
Experts believe that there is a genetic predisposition to the symptoms. In the laboratory part the team was able to establish that the DRD1 gene is most often found in people with a reduced level of pain. Subjects who have observed the high sensitivity possessed the most pronounced variant of the DRD2 gene.
According to scientists, the research conducted will help to understand why different people have different perceptions of pain of equal strength. In addition, doctors hope that further research will help in the future in the development of new drugs for the treatment of chronic pain.
Source: globalscience.ru
Compared with acute or normal pain, chronic is a constant pain that can last for a long time, namely several years, months or weeks. Such symptoms may include spinal and headaches, arthritis and neuralgia. People suffering from chronic pain are likely to have endometriosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, also they may experience inflammatory disease of the urogenital system and intestines, as well as fibromyalgia.
To reduce chronic pain doctors use acupuncture, various medications, electrical stimulation, and not rarely resort to surgery. In people experiencing something similar can be observed in the cerebrospinal fluid decreased levels of endorphins, only therefore many methods of treatment aimed at the production of these hormones.
Experts believe that there is a genetic predisposition to the symptoms. In the laboratory part the team was able to establish that the DRD1 gene is most often found in people with a reduced level of pain. Subjects who have observed the high sensitivity possessed the most pronounced variant of the DRD2 gene.
According to scientists, the research conducted will help to understand why different people have different perceptions of pain of equal strength. In addition, doctors hope that further research will help in the future in the development of new drugs for the treatment of chronic pain.
Source: globalscience.ru